Friday, 29 December 2023


What pushes us to move has a goal, and this can be inminent or in the longer term. The end is the driver with the intention of achieving a result. Every day at the beginning we  have to fill the void with various activities, and in each one the focus is to get a concreteness that serves for a continuity, a maintenance or an increase. The end sometimes fits the result and others not. In what depends on our aptitudes and  resources, without the contribution of third people, the purpose and the result can go hand in hand. When external factors beyond our control intervene, the result can be close or far away according to the imagined or desired.                                                                                                                                         What goals do we pursued ? Which one do we need and which want are dispensable ? Who asks before embarking on commitments that can condition and limit in several areas ? The prevailing superficiality, the worldly approach, points to temporary purposes, that don´t actually expand potential or make us better. Apart from the usual purposes of subsistence in which we are all immersed, individual singularity is who must mark differences finding our place in the environment contributing to the collective.                         The efforts have the objective of achieving a profit, otherwise we wouldn´t them. And if evereyone is agree in the successive processes from childhood dependence and ignorance until the maximum possible autonomy in adulthood, the purpose to reach resources for our continuity is not the purpose in itself, this is the means to discover the why of all experiences and the true purpose beyond the dense and visible.         Studying is a bridge between a previous lack situation to another supplier of resources to operate in the environment. Work is the means of exchange to have what is necessary to cover the gaps in the dependencies. Relationships are the great challenge to develop in order to learn how we must to act to establish harmony, where the plot takes place outside by what emerges from the inner, to the return to the interior with the experienced and its echo to continue refining our expressions through the increase of consciousness which must be indicating successive purposes according to the progress as being becomes apparent.        

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