The effort is to obtain a profit. One off issues, or the other short or long terms issues. Physical and mental efforts are the prominent ones, and in between the emotional part it must balance both from the idea to realization. Desire is the pusher that must see clearly for correct discernment that allow us to see pros and cons and possibles outcomes. No doubt the efforts seek some kind of gain, of resolution, improvement compared to precedents. There are efforts to expand the existing one, to maintain or to fix what does not work correctly. Between the investment of time, resources and action, we have to determine if it is worth it .All the dynamized and the result. Investments focused on personnel and others extended outside to social aspects. Losses and gains are shared from everything we achieve.Tipping the scales will depend on preparation, skills, agility when fitting various components. Efforts they must be done thinking about introducing quality. From the most trivial to the most relevant, making a difference is what brings profit. No one wants miseries, everyone longs for well being, satisfactory conditions, but this requires effort and we must know how to do it to obtain that we want. To get out of a difficult context due to shortcomings, due to lack of preparation, surrounded by adversities often it is not possible to get rid of an environment and cifrcumstances even with effort unable to straighten out the various fronts that require deep transformation. Efforts to traansitory gains and efforts for perennial gains. The external, material, mundane, serves for a season, a few years, and sooner or later it gets diluted. If we set a constant long term plan of specific studies connecting with our subtle side, expanding consciousness to understand andf capture beyond the visible and superficial we will increase understanding, we will be able to understand each other more deeply. Intangible goods that can expand without limits if the consecration is constant and they will always accompany us. If only we live for work, to cover the elementary, if the efforts they do not result in any improvement that is preserved, in the end the efforts will have been due. The one dedicated to the transitory subject to change, we can´t hold it back. Only we will get persistent solid gains when actions and intentions revolve around fulfilling the spiritual precepts to their fullest extent.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
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