Tuesday, 28 February 2023


The effort is to obtain a profit. One off issues, or the other short or long terms issues. Physical and mental efforts are the prominent ones, and in between the emotional part it must balance both from the idea to realization. Desire is the pusher that must see clearly for correct discernment that allow us to see pros and cons and possibles outcomes.                                                                                                                           No doubt the efforts seek some kind of gain, of resolution, improvement compared to precedents. There are efforts to expand the existing one, to maintain or to fix what does not work correctly. Between the investment of time, resources and action, we have to determine if it is worth it .All the dynamized and the result. Investments focused on personnel and others extended outside to social aspects.                               Losses and gains are shared from everything we achieve.Tipping the scales will depend on preparation, skills, agility when fitting various components. Efforts they must be done thinking about introducing quality. From the most trivial to the most relevant, making a difference is what brings profit. No one wants miseries, everyone longs for well being, satisfactory conditions, but this requires effort and we must know how to do it to obtain that we want.                                                                                                                 To get out of a difficult context due to shortcomings, due to lack of preparation, surrounded by adversities often it is not possible to get rid of an environment and cifrcumstances even with effort unable to straighten out the various fronts that require deep transformation. Efforts to traansitory gains and efforts for perennial gains. The external, material, mundane, serves for a season, a few years, and sooner or later it gets diluted. If we set a constant long term plan of specific studies connecting with our subtle side, expanding consciousness to understand andf capture beyond the visible and superficial we will increase understanding, we will be able to understand each other more deeply. Intangible goods that can expand without limits if the consecration is constant and they will always accompany us. If only we live for work, to cover the elementary, if the efforts they do not result in any improvement that is preserved, in the end the efforts will have been due. The one dedicated to the transitory subject to change, we can´t hold it back. Only we will get persistent solid gains when actions and intentions revolve around fulfilling the spiritual precepts to their fullest extent.

Monday, 20 February 2023


What we express now is the reflection of previous experiences and how they affect in us. We go from ignorance to knowledge, from the unknown to the know, the question is if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities to expand potential giving us more possibilities to proceed more effectively in everything we face. What we show now is the same as decades ago ? The deficits, unconsciousness, immaturity, are they still part of our behavior ?                                                                                                The function of time is provide us cumulative experiences to contrast what we thought, felt and did in one time and its result, and observe if now if we follow exactly the same or we have taken advantage of the diversity of situations and relations to proceed with more harmony.                                                               We must ask several questions to find out if we are on the right track : am I doing what I´m supposed to do ? with what I have done today, am I improving in part or globally ? can I do much more than I do ? with the current objectives, capacity of understanding and personal characteristics, Am I heading towards an improvement with respect to more or less recent or distant past ?  Am I as critical of myself as of others ?  Unfortunately what is expressed now in a large percentage is the same as decades or centuries ago. There is not more knowledge no more breadth of views, no more understanding, no more empathy, no more sensitivity. And this happens on a personal basis and in the singularity of the countries. There is an DNA identifier that marks us and conditions us to keep repeating schemes and patterns of behavior, amd if these are inappropiate and harmful they end up affecting the sender and receiver.                                                  We have incoporated utensils, new styles, the present possibilities there is not to see with the past, and instead, neither the countries nor much people don´t follow this exemple because every new now is the same as always. If what is expressed now is the same as an eternity ago, we are not making progress, and when the stagnation it is prolonged ends in decadence.

Wednesday, 1 February 2023


Indifference and coldness is the opposite to enthusiasm and warmth. When something doesn´t attract, doesn´t like or doesn´t arouse any interest, A distance stance is adopted because it does not impregnate neither sensitivity nor personal tastes nor is it part of the particular values.                                                   The indifference and coldness can occur from us toward external factors, or from other people towards us. The lack of connection generates distance, and hence indifference.                                                               Not giving importance to words, actions, opinions, events, being on the sidelines because the manifested  does not vibrate with our characteristics. Not getting involved, adopting a neutral stance, a middle ground  that can sometines be useful and convenient and on other occasions perhaps not depending on what is involved and the subsequent trascendence.                                                                                                      Activities, relevant topics in a past, meaningful relationships, are often modified over time due to a change in the interests that attracted before but not now, and the perspective is gradually adopted according to the expansion of knowledge and consciousness.                                                                                                   From attraction to indifference, from assiduity to no contact, tell us that the external is subject to variations, and for mantain ties, occupations that last over time, a solid base is needed to lean on continously project itself with new nutrients that are responsible for preserving the foundation.                   Distance in relationships where previously there was a confluence that has been fading away it is due to paths that lead us astray due to different concerns and singular characteristics that make it difficult keep the same difficulty.                                                                                                                                           What or who are we indifferent and why ? The answer it would indicate a good part of our idyosincrasy and where we direct what is considered important. Indifference and coldness does not generate quality because a distant position is adopted and of little value at the bottom of what is being discussed. The excellence in the current and past executed works are the product of developed talent with discipline and love for what is done, with an eagerness to overcome that implicity brings enthusiasm. If there is no enthusiasm, indifference arises, and this achieves neither improvement nor satisfaction, and consequently there is no quality.                                                                                                                                            In our lifes to generate quality enthusiasm is required  in addition to preparation and resources, and what is certain is that with indifference and coldness is unworkable.