Friday, 30 December 2022


Share is the great challenge aware of the individuality that we must nurture in a non transferable personal task. Nature share what she has, and we learn this in the family. First we must prepare fitting in the near in terms of relationships and environment that contribute with resources, and in successive training stages to acquire knowledge and goods for their own use and sharing in part weaving our continuity.                        We share by donation or for a consideration. Of their own volition or interest. Know what we give, what we offer and what purpose there is appropiate for a utility.                                                                              The closest to is where the most connections occur. Close ties where we share space, time, opinions, utensils. Forming a family reduces the freedom to do according to what to concentrate in one area and specific people with which share the most essential to subsist and make contact according to the respective idiosyncrasies. Exactly the same in couple. And we must ask before being conditioned by what commitmments. ¿ why do I want to share and for what purpose the day to day with this person ? Does it have so many qualitative attributes to be present several hours a day ? We must not rush into false illusions, wrong impressions, unfocused judgments, lack of perspective. First think what we want share, why, with what pretension.                                                                                                                               In a close relationship there must be a confluence between the members, otherwise sooner or later will fade due inconsistensy in the base. A parallel in the maximum possible number of aspects, in the mental and affective, an afinity that brings consistency and understanding, because if not, even if we want to share, it will be impossible because unfeasible.                                                                                              There is a voluntary sharing freely chosen, and one by force for various reasons that we can not avoid.  In the social and personal share what makes us similar, what identifies us because it is common to us, because it is similar to us.                                                                                                                              What and how share, why, for whom. How the what is carried out and the how will mark the quality or absence of this, and this is a constant exercise in the little things and in the bigs, in the usual and in the sporadic.

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