Tuesday, 16 August 2022


What are the concerns of the majority reduced to ? Ensure subsistence, have a home, family and feed yourself. These goals and objectives makes as follows and inertia where we do not question the value of the efforts and the fragility of focusing longings on the transitory, always changing and unstable where we do not know what guarantees of continuity there are. So the existence escapes to the will. We go from one phase to another : to be born, to grow, to reproduce, to weaken and to go away. where is the sense ? the goal ? True existence begins with the development of consciousness, and from here we learn to control actions and reactions by polishing expressions for a refinement that spreads on all fronts, from the way of thinking, in feeling and in action.                                                                                                                    Live to have or live to be, the key that will tilt towards loss or gain, The external that escapes us. or what we incorporate internally and persists.                                                                                                             From one stage to another, from one activity to another, without asking the objective of the efforts or according to which relationships, a forward movement trapped by a set of circumstances and the pursuit of proposals that we believe are appropiate or because there is no other remedy due to room for maneuver.    How many wonder why we are the way we are and not in another way ?  What role do specific relationships play ?Of everything that has been done, only the essence remains that serves as a basis to support the present and project the future. Live only to preserve the presence unconscious of our individual function, and the why of experiences and results, we don´t know decipher the reason or purpose of our life here and now. It is necessary to find out the reason for our particular characteristics and the context that has to do with us, because if it only counts nourishing the body and material affairs, never know if the execution brings a profit or not.                                                                                                    The battle between the primary and the secondary, is the dairy challenge that everyone from their position and possibilities must discover so that the sense, the meaning and the profit be behind the manifest.

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