Sunday, 15 November 2020


When someone apologizes it is because an error has occurred, a negligence, a blow, some misguided words or other motives where the offender recognizes the discomfort or harm by becoming consciousness with empathy that drives the subject to apologize. There are minor incidents, of medium or large size, according to the particular valuation of each. The much or little or nothing depends on what is considered important and/or significant. By not being able to reverse it what is said or done with was has entailed. If we have fallen with a push, if someone broke a glass, if we have been humiliated, saying sorry does not change the experience. The question is : Could it have been avoided ?If everything that happens has a purpose, surely the assailant and the agressor they needed to play the role of victim and executioner to have the opportunity to observe in depth where the origin can be, reveal it and be able to correct the precise. Action comes or back ? Karma paid for the victim or new by the agressor ? We will have to find out previous behaviors, ways of acting, relationships that have led us to the episode. There is a double recognition when we said forgive, I´m sorry. The incorrectness and affectation in the person who receives. If it was to wipe out outstanding debts, instead ob being annoyed by the inconvenience, we should that to the offender for the opportunity to release charges that sooner or later it was convenient to get rid of it. Is the agressor really ? Is the victim really ? Or is it to restore harmony ? It is a matter of following a process of events of what we have manifested. Insignificant or relevant incidents are signs. We have to be careful to the movements and possible consequences. Mismatches should be used to take precautionary measures thanks to the experience. Clumsy forms must be used to redirect expressions or actions. Apologizing is a good symptom that the offender recognizes the mistake and its incidence. To mend oneself is the contribution of becoming aware, passing from the incorrection to the correction. Each non flawless episode is an opportunity to increase the attention, learn, and calculate better what we say or do.

Monday, 2 November 2020


How are the words formed ? How we the choice made ? Why do different people have their distinctive language ? Is the word born of association between subject and object ? We have been creating words as new have tools have been incorporated and her function. Once a name is established it is valid for everyone serving as identification. We only store the words we understand. We work with minimum that for us represent a maximum of what we are able to express. Words serve of bridge between the internal and external, between the pesonal and social. Thought elaborate ideas that it extracts from words so that they have a later utility. Thought is the basis, words the intermedary between abstraction and concretion. Words pronounced or written with what they transmit they can tell us various facets about us, It´s a matter of deciphering them and drawing conclusions. Diversity has forced the creation of words as a distinction to know how to deal with each component. To relate involves to communicate, and even with signs or gestures, these also implicitly carry a word behind them. Words explain what we see, that we feel, what we want. How could we do if they didn´t exist ? Only with sounds ? and from the moment we identified these sounds, we would be already be creating a word. Words they must enrich us through knowledge. And broadening the perspective to generate optimal patterns of behavior for personal and social benefit by trsnsmission. What use do we make or will we make of words ? From what they give off the result will lead to gain or harm or indifference. By their deeds and words we shall know them.