The type of desire indicates characteristics of the person. Desire to have more or be more ? The desire is of inferior nature or for spiritual concerns ? Desires that allow improve in one area at the expense of paying a toll mortgaging other areas ? What are willing to pay to obtain the desired ? Once obtained, will the time spent have been worth the effort ?
Desire is synonimous of some lack. When it is full there is no desire. We can have knowledge and yearning to exend them. We can have money and want to increase profits. To preserve what we have now is the only desire at the present time, What can be achieved later is a future projection.
Desire hinders freedom because it depends on a contribution which depend on third parties. In the strictly material aspect and of personal development, then the tools, the means, the knowledge that can serve as the basis first must come for someone .
To more simplicity less desires. to more sophistication more desires. To a greater or lesser measure we are trapped by the web of connections, and necessarily we need to nourish mentally and financially for the exchange to access the service we are looking for.
Desires are forged according to a set of factors. Means of action, executing possibilities, level of education, health, economy, and especially the degree of consciousness to discern what, how and why to achieve the desired result.
How many wishes have been fulfilled over time ? How many of these have answered the assumptions of what they could generate ? How many have been favorable in the triggers ? How many have been a disenchantment ?
We must know how to discern in order to desire the appropiate. Desire is emotional at the base of imagined sensations when it is experienced, being quite different between the internal visualization and the external experience.
We must want what makes us progress, the one that introduces quality, becoming successive enhanced version for a purpose which is beyond current perception, understanding and awareness.