Tuesday, 28 January 2020


The type of desire indicates characteristics of the person. Desire to have more or be more ? The desire is of inferior nature or for spiritual concerns ? Desires that allow improve in one area at the expense of paying a toll mortgaging other areas ? What are willing to pay to obtain the desired ? Once obtained, will the time spent have been worth the effort ?
Desire is synonimous of some lack. When it is full there is no desire. We can have knowledge and yearning to exend them. We can have money and want to increase profits. To preserve what we have now is the only desire at the present time, What can be achieved later is a future projection.
Desire hinders freedom because it depends on a contribution which depend on third parties. In the strictly material aspect and of personal development, then the tools, the means, the knowledge that can serve as the basis first must come for someone .
To more simplicity less desires. to more sophistication more desires. To a greater or lesser measure we are trapped by the web of connections, and necessarily we need to nourish mentally and financially for the exchange  to access the service we are looking for.
Desires are forged according to a set of factors. Means of action, executing possibilities, level of education, health, economy, and especially the degree of consciousness to discern what, how and why to achieve the desired result.
How many wishes have been fulfilled over time ? How many of these have answered the assumptions  of what they could generate ?  How many have been favorable in the triggers ? How many have been a disenchantment ? 
We must know how to discern in order to desire the appropiate. Desire is emotional at the base of imagined sensations when it is experienced, being quite different between the internal visualization and the external experience.
We must want what makes us progress, the one that introduces quality, becoming successive enhanced version for a purpose which is beyond current perception, understanding and awareness.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020


Desire is wanting, and in order to achieve it, is required an action mobilizing resources that allow the obtaining of the intended.
Everyone has desires because we have lacks and dependencies, and is the survival instinct the invigorator between subject and object. The nature of desires in essence is similar between each one, the different is how we face the persecuted.
If we had all the needs covered we should not strive, we would not have to relate and we would only be consumers in a life without a purpose of growth. It is precisely what we do not have and it depends on the exchanges with others, which pushes us to instruct ourselves and provide with resources, because the interaction between giving and receiving, is the key to individual and collective functioning.
Once we get the basic services, other secondary wishes they are the ones that make the difference between us.
The most part of desires are for personal enjoyment, where the trigger is the " sense of satisfaction " Between before and after is where we need to know how to measure and decide what can be convenient and what not, and we will do well to ask when the possibility exists of convert the " supposed welfare " in a detriment. ¿ Where can this desire lead me ? Is it essential or dispensable ? Do i need it ? For what ? For what purpose ? Can it be beneficial or evil ?
Is it to short term degradating then ? Is it a noble or innoble desire ? To satisfy the primary or a refined goal ? To get the desired can I transgress laws or rules that end up hurting others ?
Desire tests the  intelligence, sensitivity, emotions and the executive action which will determine the result. We suppose that certain conditions will bring us some kind of good, but all the external, transient, depending on a person, is volatile. Having a partner, children, an occupation don´t guarantee happiness, and often is a source of conflicts. The links established serves for a later purpose, but they are not an end. Filling gaps, covering deficits, is a personal task that goes from the inner to the outside and returns to the inner.
Desire the necessary, the right one, the one that improves, this must be the focus. Act for a healthy end by attracting it in the right way during the journey.