Saturday, 28 May 2016


Who criticizes thinks that something is not right, is not correct or is disagree. The question is, considering our individual gaps, the prevalence ot the unknown over the known, can we be sure that the critical is not alright ? Based on what parameters ?
Ctiticism is to look at the imperfections, however the critic knows the perfection that which aims ?
See things badly done or they are not for us, is the oportunity to strenghten certain ideas and attitudes. We must be open to hearing who criticizes us contrasting with our criteria to know if are right and if the comments are true, learning and do it better in future attempts.
For every praise there are infinity of criticism, either the human nature, or because abound much more blunders and the mediocrity than genius.
People with many defects, where their conduct is not precisely exemplary, criticizes a lot, and this lack of equitable manifest folly of its position.
We do better what criticize  if we are not specialists ? Anyone dares to say their opinion, and the truth is that the quality in what we say or do, usually is quite low.
The error or alleged error is not casual. Each event  it seems logical or not, has a purpose, and we must see the outcome to extract conclusions.
Before to release verdicts we must ask ourselves - Is really important that we criticize ?  Influence negatively or is only a reject ?
If they are so much criticism facts is the ascertainment of level of individual and collective development. To more selfishness more ignorance, and to more ignorance more danger of making erroneous actions.
Move from chaos to order, from unconsciousness to conscience, to safeguard the personal interests exclusively to do it for the common good, we will overcome the darkness, entering the light that guides to behave at all times and in each area with the indispensable harmony and there won´t criticism, because the correction will be present all time.

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Thera are two sides of criticism : with the goal to improve, or by one disagreement that brings to glisten shortcomings, inaccuracies, or by the contrast of desires and contrary ideals..
Criticism to an end uplifting should be done through expeience and careful discernment, with the purpose to correct actions replacing them by others more optimal. This happens mainly from parents to children or teachers to students, where the best preparation allow indicate more appropriate guidelines for a later profit.
Then there is the criticism according to their own points of view. If someone makes a gesture which does not fit with our singularity, is rejected with words that can be more or less hards.
The criticism involves judge of an attitude, facts, and in each case, must see the impact to check if the person who criticizes it does with foundation, or simply but not fit to personal code of values.
On what basis is criticized ? To an ideal of purity, harmony ? Who criticizes is perfect ? If the critizer is not enough correct, has no right that others do what he is unable to accomplish. We must be consistent, fair and equitable.
Before this, considering several inaccuracies that we show together, nobody should criticize. Besides, the purpose of our existence is able to see the function exerted by successive people that intersect along the way to learn what behavior we adopt in every area. Offen see things as provocation, rudeness or similar, is where must decrypt the message to a higher level of understanding. We are all intermediaries, and behind that we see " reproachable " a potential information is hiding to understand what happens and advance evolutionarily.
Everyone wants the correct, but according to the degree of consciousness and cultural influence, everyone will interpret in their own way, thus can be criticized the considered incorrect when in reality can be correct.
The egocentric approach, makes see the things according to our own desires, criticizing by interest, by acts or words, and disliked, showing in several occasions a children postures.
Show disagreement continuosly by the most insignificant, is the ascertainment of the prevailing low level, where all we get is tension without solving anything.
The criticism must be to improve, to advance, expand horizons; otherwise is useless, and in this case is better the silence.