Sunday, 12 October 2014


The prevailing trend in us is to go talking about of what but not the why. We look at what surrounds us seeing the surface without going into the background, and with limited knowledge, only gaining access to fragments, we perform all kinds of comments and draw conclusons convinced of being successful when there is much more ignored than the known.
We are accustomed to give turns and turns to the same topics without extract the necessary clarity to replace the harmful by the benefic, unable to access to why of what has been discussed, what fills of fruitless discussions that lead nowhere.
It is very easy to talk about this or that, to this or the other, to criticize without remorse, make judgments without knowing the involved or know the triggers for what we judge. We opine about fractions separating the set, and in this way the error in the verdict is usual by the global unconsciousness.
Worried about what affects directly, the approaches for what we say and do, revolve around our own interests. From this small microcosm, with a egocentric approach, to stand in a place of other people with different cultures, needs, in moods to do, it is almost impossible for the most.
What I do, what I say, what I give, what I receive as objectives, without deepening in the impulse which leads us to these manifestations. The starting point and destination should be present and clear in our claims to know if the desired is appropriate os dispensable, if we insist in certain matters or avoid them.
Opining about facts, assumptions, from our perspective, we´ll never extract clarifying conclusions.
If we don´t know why the what don´t provide the solution, and the tendency is to focus on the what without find out the why, hence the obstruction and the difficulty to resolve several questions by the inability to arrive to the core.
Once discovered why, we continually seek the harmony, and the why of what of each situation report the best possible context.

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