Monday, 28 January 2013


The ambition is subject to a set of factors and where we point will indicate characteristics of the person.
Ambition may be directed to external or internal objectives, material or spiritual, but is not to opt for one and leave the other, because this would make us incomplete, we have to want cover both directions. One has to acompany the other, since they are continuosly interconnected.
We are going to look for nutrients out to nurture within, and by the internal expertise we headed to the outside. The materials and experiences are elements of the periphery, serving us to connect with the center.
The vital ambition not lie in the fact to access a job, money, a house, couple, etc. These items can serve as intermediaries, where the ultimate goal goes beyond. The ambition to pursue is to become someone increasingly perfected in all expressions, and is the first we must desire with great force from the depth of us, and so attract the aprropriate tools that facilitate the proper preparation.
Most driven by the need to obtain resources, focuses primarily on worldly goals, but these depend on others, subject to fluctuations, and never know with whom and with which we can count. In contrast, the search for perfection only depends on us, it is cumulative, and no one can substract it, and their slaughter is infinite and eternal, there are no limits.
We live insubstantial lives because we are going behind the ephemeral and fragile values, moved by inertia, without reflect where we are going, what we do and what will be the purpose.
Focused only on the material never find lasting satisfaction, because there will always be gaps, dependencies and frustration. It is important to have for be, and be for having, fill us in to fill us out, and in this double direction know how to proceed to each time by establishing the harmony.

Thursday, 17 January 2013


If we are where we have to be, and we have what we have to take, envy is a erroneous stance; it implies wanting what we are not, and have what we don´t have. To pretend what is of others without effort, and look forward to the fruit saving the previous work, this is childish.
The envious in question has done merits to dispose of what he/she would like to ? It suits ? It will be useful, or is only to satisfy the desires of the ego ? The positive approach is to assess what we have and not what is missing, show gratitude for the service thay they reported, everything and everyone to fit inside a huge order, and through the differences perform a specific function of special contribution to the whole.
Want to be like other, or have of the other, is violate the cosmic diagrams, a presumption focused on alleged pleasures that if we don´t have access is because they are not facts for us. And if we want to achieve them, not will give us free, we must forge skills, desire, discipline and determine whether or not we get, and then check if the supposed panacea was as we imagined.
Nothing of that which surrounds us in this moment has occurred as a miracle or a set of hands, is a consequence of previous links, and instead of look at the goods of others, we have to ensure ours with the tools at our disposal.
To run the personal work we need some resources in line, certain relationships, and an appropriate place to act. What serves some not serve others, and with this understanding did not like what we don´t need or what is not convenient focusing on our plot and peculiarities.
We can only be us with everything that implies, look at someone for their virtues and wanted to acquire is good, but although we educate and training to this goal, the hallmark will be ours with the inevitable differences.
We have to crave our best version, preparing to do so, and the rest will come in the form, measure and timely.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Live is a permanent project. Facing each new day involves filled with activities designed to maintain in  certain cases, acquiring other or increase what is appropriate.
The projects can be of continuity or innovation. Preserve the foundations, or create new in a desire for renewal.
We cannot remain static, the movement is essential, and what we have done now or ingested foods of a meal, only serves for a specific time where the needs pushed forward to the search for new resources and trends.
Project is what will want, which is now an idea and later can be a concrete evidence. In the way of its preparation intersect other projects because eternal present is a link of actions between the left behind and what serves in the new and different situations that arise.
Projects go through different phases with the intervention of the 4 elements. The air is the seed in the form of thought. The water the desire to experience it, the feeling. The fire the force that puts in action. The earth the solid final realization.
Each stage has connotations that affect the interests of the moment. Projects always accompany us for the same vital force and the yearning for persistance. Leave what has already done their service and get new tools, new ways to recharge ourselves, restart and perpetuate its own existence.
The character of each one, training, concerns, resources, and the location with its possibilities, will mark the inclinations of what we would like to experience. Some, with preparation, determination and possibilities will translate into action projects. Other, more theoretical, can mentally imagine that will make many things and at the end be diluted by that thought if it is not accompanied by action, fades as the passing of a cloud.
The goal is to impregnate the idea of desire in boost the invisible making it visible. If the projects lead into progress, will have made the appropriate, if behave losses will be issue of revising the causes to revert it in future gains thanks to learning.