Friday, 28 December 2012


Not me, is another, this is how the humans take out the responsibility off, assuming that us are always perfect and the other are always wrong. But this approach does not sustain itself by any party, because if everyone individually believes perfect, how is that chaos is the prevailing trend ?
An unbridled ego, lack of clarity in observe and discern, desire focused on the own self gratification, disregard toward manners contrary to ours, to want to impose the criteria and pretensions, all this is a sample of unconsciousness, widespread of darkness that makes taking position of immaturity.
These exemples are reflected perfectly in politics. The ideology of each party is as if it were the law, and the opposites is as if they were short sighted. And what a level of you to you causes friction and disagreement by this conceit of I have reason and you are wrong.
In politicians is I am not dictator, is the other. I´m not nationalist, is the other. I´m not oppressive, is the other. I´m not injust, is the other. And the list could go upwards, because no shortage of topics, perpetuating eternally forms of imposition, arrogant, without dialog unable to distinguish what is true and what is false, and wanting to get away with using coarse methods, so the only thing that is accomplished is to live in the tension by splicing a conflict with another in a polluted environment that never is cleaned because that attitude is not altered.
The 1st requirement is and has to be with us. If we want to generate good conditions around us, we must forge within in the action.What cannot be is to act all life like a naughty kid who gets angry when don´t have what they want or the other don´t get what he wants in the form or manner that is intended.
A society permanently child, is doomed to the decadence, because mature involves requirements, obligations, proceed correctly, respect the neighbor, taking responsibility for the acts and consequences. Which can not be is abuse of power or strong, to do what we want with total impunity, loaded everything that dislike, not recognizing repetitive mistakes, and to top it turn off victims in offenders. This is simply insane.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


The conflicts are the clear demonstration of a stupid attittude. You can disagree at the bottom and form, have different criteria, but if there is willingness to listen, dialog and respect to each other, you can find alternatives or ways of rapprochement and no make a question of winners or losers.
The conflict is generated when something has gone wrong or a claim arises, and the solution does not satisfy the affected or is not resolved. When positions are contrary to their own desires or interests, and on the other hand there is hostility, abuse of authority, power and use of force.
Everyone wants things to be done according to their point of view, but there are no plenty of appraisals and valutations, and must impose the logic and consistency for the good operation of what surrounds us.
Conflict involves two opposing positions, one can be correct and the other not, and sometimes the two are incorrect. The level, the layout, the margin for maneuver depending on the context, the ability to weave bridges that bring us closer, indicate that this is not succeed as it is, but to be understood by providing constructive points looking for collaboration instead of confrontation.
There are occasions where the divergences and objectives are very large between the two bands, then the best is to avoid contact because only will cause damages.
We can not be subjected to nobody, that one of the parties will be the dominator and the other the dominated submitting to his desire. Sooner or later the tension will grow if the dominator uses the means at its disposal to satisfy the desire for power.
The strong in instruments, in media, bending to people with less resources, this is the cause of most conflicts. This procedure is not to be strong, is signal in stinginess, because the real strength is to help the helpless, to treat all way with dignity.
The human race not change their wrong behaviour. Wars, corruption, laws to measure, plunder, all to satisfy low instinctual passions at the inhability to behave decently.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


" By their acts will recognize them ". The actions denote the level of the executor, and according whether they are can lead to success or failure.
Proceed with neatness requires training, a provision to make the knowledge tools at the service of the introduction of quality in the words and the works.
Wisdom is not just to know, is to adopt the tone, the optimum posture in every circumstance. Behave by providing effective approaches and the result.
Get an expansion requires time and experience, where the difference between mediocrity and genius lies in the skills, extracting a benefit on the basis of a yearning for overcoming and provide the tools that facilitate a plus compared to the average knowing how to do, knowing how to be, understand with the head and the heart, thinking and feeling, otherwise cannot be catalogued as such if you lack any of these aspects.
It cost a lot to know wise people, because the visibility is not one thing that captivate them, they prefer go unnoticed by contributing in any way in the society, observing, learning and transforming to become in individuals more correct in all senses.
What predominates is the superficiality, the minimum preparation for obtaining money, without expectations of deepen to fund in one same or want a integral development beyond what prevails in the surrounding environment. The low auto requirement prevents forge the media contributors of greater understanding and powers associated with wisdom.
If wisdom is synonymous of capacity, the foolishness is just the opposite. Broadmindedness contrasted with narrowness. Vision in perspective against difficulty in discerning with consistency. These short ages are what make express in awkward form, precisely by the deficit in qualitative ways.
The absence of refinement, poor arguments or incorrect thoughtlessness in not foresee the consequences of what we say or does, behaves to wrong criteria-
The wise make things easier, the fool makes it difficult. Comprehension in the first and incomprehension in the second. The clarity and resources of the wise is darkness and proverty in the fool. In the middle there is a large mass that is neither one thing nor the other. But if the balance has to decant should be toward the wisdom for which all we win.