Wednesday, 8 February 2012


The purpose of the wisdom is to find love. Through the senses extract knowledge, deciphering every thing for its peculiarities and application, by linking the different individualities within a context that performs a service for a greater purpose, as you can be a tree with respect to a forest.
Everything in nature, in their various kingdoms, has an useful goal. Through links makes it possible to stay vital, the collaboration of the elements with their respective inputs facilitates the subsistence.
What we give, what works for us and our neighbor, is an attribute of love. The content, the singularities with the respective inputs is an attribute of wisdom.
Wisdom explains why, how, when, the origin. Love is the sitmulation of these definitions for the purpose of unity. Wisdom deciphers the parties and love want join them because the fact of knowing can give satisfaction, but happiness is only found loving.
In the continuing dependence to cover their basic needs, we have to obtain resources that will serve as intermediaries to other resources. We must have to have, and in the process we have to be. Just having it is to live in the surface to satisfy the physical demands. Expect to be trained is to establish contacts between the heaven and earth in order to go beyond the transitory that connects us with the eternal. Without a yearning for that aim we don´t be mobilizing to attract the conditions that facilitate it. Desire is the love, the instruments wisdom.
When lack widom and/or love we don´t feel at ease, we noticed a decline that we want to cover, but if we are not aware of where you will find the shortfall for alleviating it, we will continue to laps in the same way to our expressions. First we must know, is the reveal, is to provide light where there was darkness. From here the focused action toward an objective is to give meaning, where the whole process has to be carried out with love if we want to enjoy the experience and result. If so many things are not made as we should if so many relationships are disastrous, if there are so many imbalances, so many difficulties to live with dignity, it is neither more nor less than that is not doing anything, either with love or with wisdom; it is based on love and wisdom where is found the fullness of all pretensions.

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