Monday, 27 February 2012


Love and wisdom are two sides of a triad, the third is the will. The understanding is the first step of the link, then you must have the desire to incorporate it, to express it, the desire that you want to experience the theory with facts.
Wisdom is possible through connections with higher dimensions than the physical world. It is depressing the subtle to the dense to understand the mechanisms of what surrounds us in order to replace gradually prosaic forms by other increasingly sophisticated. To achieve this wisdom has to seek and prepare the living conditions in all the senses that will help to raise awareness. Through a continued expansion we understand the dictates of creation, and this makes us out of our small microcosm opening us up to the macrocosm, and this understanding is the one who awakens in us the love.
So far, so are the theoretical concepts, then it is when we have to introduce the fire inside us to revive it. The will is responsible for promoting the guideliness issued by the wisdom, driven by the desire to give and/or receive. The culmination in something tangible needs the indispensable collaboration of the will, without it the things would be at the level of ideas.
The will first is passive, waiting to act according to the order born progressively in the wisdom, which has to have a foretaste to love longing for the achievement of something, and this is the time when shall enter into action to realize the abstraction. Many people say that they understand the concepts, who wish to experiment, and then do nothing for the usual inertia or lack of enthusiasm. Unwilligness indicates that in the fund do not understand what they can give them, because if this were the case would be mobilized from the same way that spring into action to access to a job and a few economic resources. The unwillingness to strive to achieve charitable purposes, is a lack of wisdom and love, choosing by worse than other better than can be obtained simply with a little effort, it leaves in evidence.
Will is the physical part that allows us to realize the purposes, which gives consistency to the ideals, because everything not embodied in works is lost. Without the backing of the will, wisdom and love have no value if you do not have a channel where manifest. Only by synchronizing the three will-love-wisdom is when the realization can become a reality.

Friday, 17 February 2012


The shortage, dilemmas, difficulties, requires the input of  love and wisdom to transform them and acquire quality and feeling of fullness.
Wisdom contains elements for freedom, is a source of resources to be acquired on the basis of establishing connection to understand the operation.
The love comes from within and are meant to express outside; wisdom is nourishing oneself. Love is to give to the others. Wisdom is accumulate.
The wisdom need the love, so that everything learned will serve for a practical purpose through relationships. Love needs of wisdom so that what is transmited contains the best vibration and contributions.
Wisdom investigates outside to get inside, and then it must capture outside for their owm benefit and that of society.
Wisdom is the responsability it is to have been uncovered what is hidden, draw darkness changing by light in order to move progressively to the purpose of our individual function in the collective. Break inertia and reduced visions to provide the actions of meaning.
Without wisdom and without love life is empty, without value, and both are intangible. Wisdom notes in the periphery and bring it to the inner. Love emerges in the center, and want to display in the periphery.
Wisdom is the fruit of a few precedents connected by checks, highlighting the obvious that the ignorant do not know how to see. The objective is to use the knowledge to improve things in us and the world. Wisdom shows the way, love is the way.
When we swept the thoughts, feelings and lower desires we open ourselves to the clarity, from this moment we see and know.
The conscience determines the outcome of the actions. To a greater ability to vision, more chances of success and the rewards that entails. If we want to welfare in their multiple expressions, it is indispensable acquire wisdom, because if not we got nor we will create the conditions that we want. Connect with the invisible, contrasting it with the visible, draw conclusions and adapt actions according to the new expansions of consciousness.
Wisdom is the cause, the love the efect. If there is no wisdom nor will will there be love. The latent quality manifests itself with evidence. Material goods handed by experts will create good products that we like. Lowers materials handled by mediocre can only generate results in line with what they are.
Wisdom is seen through the action that causes emerge the abstract in realitzation. The role of wisdom is to be a server, otherwise it would be futile. It puts at the service of  love (continuing desire to generate rewarding conditions). Without desire there won´t be action, and without action would not lack knowledge.
Wisdom precedes the love, is the latent potential to be mobilized when love wants to achieve or to access some purpose. Wisdom is neutral, it can be passive or active, will depend on the context and the code of values.
Wisdom and love are intangibles, are part of the eternity and infinity, we can always increase both expressions, and the more we make it more sensation of fullness.
We are individuals in permanent construction, where the referents of where we were and where we are is a guide for the new buildings. The tools are the wisom, love is the work.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


The purpose of the wisdom is to find love. Through the senses extract knowledge, deciphering every thing for its peculiarities and application, by linking the different individualities within a context that performs a service for a greater purpose, as you can be a tree with respect to a forest.
Everything in nature, in their various kingdoms, has an useful goal. Through links makes it possible to stay vital, the collaboration of the elements with their respective inputs facilitates the subsistence.
What we give, what works for us and our neighbor, is an attribute of love. The content, the singularities with the respective inputs is an attribute of wisdom.
Wisdom explains why, how, when, the origin. Love is the sitmulation of these definitions for the purpose of unity. Wisdom deciphers the parties and love want join them because the fact of knowing can give satisfaction, but happiness is only found loving.
In the continuing dependence to cover their basic needs, we have to obtain resources that will serve as intermediaries to other resources. We must have to have, and in the process we have to be. Just having it is to live in the surface to satisfy the physical demands. Expect to be trained is to establish contacts between the heaven and earth in order to go beyond the transitory that connects us with the eternal. Without a yearning for that aim we don´t be mobilizing to attract the conditions that facilitate it. Desire is the love, the instruments wisdom.
When lack widom and/or love we don´t feel at ease, we noticed a decline that we want to cover, but if we are not aware of where you will find the shortfall for alleviating it, we will continue to laps in the same way to our expressions. First we must know, is the reveal, is to provide light where there was darkness. From here the focused action toward an objective is to give meaning, where the whole process has to be carried out with love if we want to enjoy the experience and result. If so many things are not made as we should if so many relationships are disastrous, if there are so many imbalances, so many difficulties to live with dignity, it is neither more nor less than that is not doing anything, either with love or with wisdom; it is based on love and wisdom where is found the fullness of all pretensions.