Wednesday, 28 December 2011


There is an ostensible difference between a disciple and an amateur. The disciple devotes all aspects of life in the constant search for a growing, understanding that they are able to comprehend its role, the social lace and development continued as be. The amateur has some concerns, but the approach, the magnitude of dedication and ways are far from those of the disciple.
The disciple knows that he has to coach you all in itself, because just being harmonized and in the best possible way can express the qualities that cultivate. Thus, gradually acquires the training at the physical, emotional and mental needs, the vehicle in good conditions to get the purposes, endowing it with the appropiate knowledge to widen a growing awareness seeing with sharpness the plot behind the facts.
The disciple is put to the test constantly and it knows it, but this is a stimulus because he wants overcoming and fulfilling the task individually in relation to the whole, and in despite seeking the basic conditions of subsistence, the ideal is concentrated in the study in order to experience theory and practice to move forward relentlessly in the vision, understanding and behavior, replacing ancient obstructive parameters by those that drive to suitable lace internal/external.
The work requires the utmost attention, will, perseverance and discipline, where all the details are taken into account to be polished up to infinity. Any experience, word or attitude are significant, drawing out here new references full of content in order to continue broaden horizons and set new standards best to the previous ones. The work is endless because it encompasses everything, but this is the bigger incentive, as it is which gives meaning to the efforts, a goal beyond what is volatile and transitorial.
The amateur performs some exercise, read some books, practice religious rituals more or less assiduosly, but essentially continues thinking, feeling and acting unconsciously without noticing the effects of the postulates that preaches. It is believed " spiritual ", and the same behavior puts in evidence that is too far away. Accostumed to think that long ago, that is a good person, questioning teachings of great masters where neither themselves nor have experienced or have understood the real menaing.
The disciple not magnifies as the amateur, knowing that he has to be humble before the vastness, and realizing minimally the magnitude of the work to make, seeks to ovecome each day more and more, to get the expressive refinement, in everything expressed from the most subtle to the most dense.
Do not attempt to like or meet the humans, because this is impossible, only longing to like God, and it has to do so through humans, a real feat.

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