Why has always been conflict in relationships ? Because each of them from their individual positioning, with their singularities, vision, opinions, beliefs, interests, and the evolutionary level is convinced that he or she are the possessors of truth, as they are and have to do the things. And obviously, if we are all different, and some are more advanced than others is impossible the coincidence of criteria. To know who is right and who wrong, it should be seen the thematic fund, its prevalence and the result. If the approach is thinking only of himself or taking into the account the other, if there is dignity in the treatment, if responds to the global guidelines or there is a background selfish. Many things to raise, but whatever the context, the purpose is to generate harmony, as if it is not so would mean that something is wrong.
Through relationships we have constant opportunities to uncover the conscience, about us, the neighbor, the envioronment that we create. It is often presented evidence camouflaged that we have to decipher, that only know them if we are trained to observe with breadth, overcoming the ego by what is important is to continue to expand horizons with the opportunities that offer. But often the inconvenience of the events can be more than the potential that we had to slaughter and we miss over and over again because the things we want in our own way. This has been and is the great human sin, imposing our standards, our wishes, although what he has obtained only is negligible and that has been lost to the path is much bigger.
The other are a continuous teachers, think or not, on the condition of a constant attention to what they say, do, and their impact, otherwise the learning is unworkable. This is to achieve balance, a question of measurements between the little and the much, the fast and the slow, approaching or distance themselves. Each case requires a special treatment, according to the time, circumstances, mood, priorities, but if in us there is stability, will know decide the best in every moment.
The polemics, what doesn´t work, it is a mismatch, if we want to make things work, avoid controversy, what is lacking is to find the roads that lead to an adjustment, and where first has to do is in each one of us individually, because our state is what we convey. If we are focused, we see with clarity, and the purpose is noble, then you can create the conditions for optimal exchanges, and if it is just the opposite, it will be what we will generate.
To reach the degree of maturity in thinking, feeling, and do, we must first love it, and working hard on a daily basis for any movement by insignificant it may seem this directed from the wisdom and vision from the love in the implementation.
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