Saturday, 18 June 2011


Everyone must think that beauty is the main point to capture the attention and to like. It´s certainly important to first glance, but behind it there will be more than just hold it, otherwise the attraction fade quickly.
What draws most of someone is what it says and what it does, just like you can be as nasty if rude and vulgar. Know how to captivate through the word is an art taken from a skilfull condition of words and sensitivity to give an air of refinement. Education training accumulated over the years, along with some distinctive features of the individual, provide the dialectic skill. Everyone know to speak, speeches or lectures may be more or less interesting, where the discourse seduction is granted only to a privileged minority.
We are tired of listening to politicians, celebrities or our acquaintances as they monotously repeating with a forecast annoying. The jam where they stopped long ago without broadening horizons, where it stayed and in consequence the expressions are the same.
The increased quantity and quality of knowledge and experience is what makes life attractive, and indirectly, when we relate to others do too. For those who find it so difficult to make differences, because to stay absorbed in working and daily activities rather trivial, but is no time dedicated to growing their own staff, being an impediment to continued growth in non dedicated attention.
People prefers the beautiful to the ugly, what ecited rather tah disappointed, what is that lights up an not what blurs, but does not strive to introduce these longings in itself, and as it is clear neither can see reflected externally while not build the movement who think so.
Often meet people and talk for how, but thorough look at the content of what they said, probably a large number of cases, you can´t make anything.
They talk a lot but nothing substantial worth, that would reflect that drives us to do things, to improve something. And this happens every day, most times you are left with known unless they join the already shared ideas or themes.
The mediocrity is not bout with mediocrity, just like ignorance with ignorance. If we introduce the qualitative elements will attract, and that means hard work, preparation and a real desire that we remain firm in training and polish to go through limited forms.

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