Wednesday, 26 February 2025


Can two antagonistic positions tune in at the same time ? Discovering the background that the explanation indicates will clarifiy it for us.                                                                                                                          We are made up of two natures : the lower one who looks by his own interests and complain about the smallest losses and obstacles in the way. And the higher nature focused on the global vision that proceeds towards overall harmony.                                                                                                                                  Sadness, afflictions, are personal assessments of what is desired and not established. Instead of lamenting, the sensations of certain experiences are for reflection and broadening consciousness. What is seen as evil are hidden goods to be discovered behind hidden veils.                                                                                   If we focus our attention on the surroundings from a superficial perspective, the criteria will respond to the ability to understand. The dissatisfaction with the environment, and certain circumstances, is the opportunity to increase the understanding uncovering the invisible behind the facts. Nothing is casual, the absurd in appearance has a reason.We only capture fraction and make judgments without seeing the whole picture.                                                                                                                                                            Relations are designed for an specific experiences. Discover what and why is our chaellenge. We act as intermediaries, learning and teaching, and we must take advantage of to advance the constant development of what we manifest.                                                                                                                                         The suffering is focus on the effect, but if we see the cause and the ulterior motive, the unpleasantness at the beginning must be turned into joy.                                                                                                            Do we want joy or suffering ? Broadness of vision or narrow ? Understand what we do and want in ourselves and the proism must progresively dissolve the feeling of suffering from old experiences, noting that the purpose was to take us to new contexts approppiate at each moment.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

THREATS TO THE MIND, HEART AND WILL ( rust, worms, thieves )

We must always be attentive and want to proceed with correction in every moment in any context, otherwise we will be subject to losses and damages if we haven´t been careful. he thieves can influence in the mental aspect. Acts assiduously when is dark and can´t see them, symbolize the dangers that threaten the mind when he lost the light. Doubts, anxiety can appear. To defend ourselves from thieves we must connect to the light and so we can identify them and prevent. If we are only focused in the most fundamental, the brain feeds only in the lower, and the understanding always be limited  if we don´t nourish ourselves with light.                                                                                                                           Worms attack the vegetables. The animal kingdom coresponds to the astral plane, the heart, and the worms are impure feelings like jealousy, selfishness, contempt, aversion, revenge, that consume the human heart preventing it from producing healthy fruits. Only by introducing spiritual attributes that they are eternal, intangible values, we can defeat the worms attached to the heart.                                                                    Jesus said in the gospels " store up treasures in heaven, where the worms and the rust they don´t consume them, where the thieves can not steal " The will in charge of dynamizing what is thought, felt and desired if is not strong appears the rust. What does all this teach us ? If we want health, resources, welfare, we can´t fall asleep. We must see clear how to energize the claims in order to achieve good results. To be on the lookout for what emerges internally, and with discernment fit our individual incidence in the right way.