Physically we are in a way on the inside and another on the outside. To be equal inside and out is to continuously harmonize ideas and action, from abstraction to concreteness. Executions happen in the middle and require solid tools for densification of what is initially a project. We do for have and having must be focused on being. When the inside and outside works together favorable result be possible. What we want is what we have to offer. If we want peace we can not do war. If we want love we can not be agressive. Between the desired and that we have if many actions drive to tension and conflicts is the exponent of a mismatch between thought, emotions and action taken. The attention focuses on the external. Wordliness exerts an attraction which keeps us constantly on the periphery disconnected from our center, and how the transient and alien to us can not fill us with what we really need, the internal void only can be satiated with selfless goals and serve others. To be the same inside and out, is balancing internal and external goals and demands. We want too much outside and too little inside, Driven by basic needs that limit, the search for subsistence take us away from trascendence that connects us with our most authentic essence in order to achieve the purpose of life. The plot takes place in the dense, but the impulse must emerge from the subtle. Will be equals inside and outside when material fulfillment is as important as the yearning for spiritual development.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Lynching and punishment are usual socially. These people that wants exemplarity do they have tangible evidence to argue coherently ? do they seek justice or satisfy personal desires driven by instinct ? Everyone thinks as if you have the ultimate truth, when the reality is that only tend to be donkey brays that reflects the subject because something don´t like and this brings out viscerality instead of reasoning. Unfortunately it is the sad prevailing level, where the words oral or written shows to the interlocutor for what he says and the content of the words. A lot of noise and dirty with no profitable results. Wisdom and mercy are the opposite of lynching and punishment. They don´t try to get away with it, only find right ways that brings solutions if they are some conflict. Lynching and punishment wants hardness, to be relentless, no ways to rectify violations if is the case. Driven by instinctive emotions and a narrow vision thing only in their own benefit, aggressive primary forms never provide definitive resolutions, only temporary patches. Wisdom and mercy seek harmony, observing the parts and the whole guided by the balance between thought and feeling in order to be equanimous in the diagnosis. Too much lynching and punishment only bring a polluted environment for both parts. Where we are evolutonarily is the reflect. The desire is to find the words and manner to manifest in the best way possible.