A seed is required, a right place, and that this seed or basis contain assets to be developed bearing a fruit when the time is right. This show that the quality it depends on the substance with an internalized value and give the relevant treatment in order to achieve a benefit. We must make this extensive on all fronts. At the level of thought, give us breadth and equanimity. In the emotional aspect observe with detachment so that pretensions an attitude are not harmful. And the actions must drive to the utility, because the useless is not the goal. Depending on the ideas and the expressed will approach or move away from the quality. Criticism is good if improves the person or the context. If it does not do it in either of the two is sterile and negatives the environment. The conversations must be attractive. give them substance, because just chatting to get nowhere is boring. There is too much repetitiveness, a generalized stuckness product of the lifestyle and not expansion of the potential, and so will be difficult obtain quality. We must heed the beginning of " If your words are not better than my silence it is better to be silent " We can be involved in affective relationships but not dependent. Show us close and also detached. We must not be at the disposal of what others say or do according to our wishes. We will get quality with a mature attitude of knowing how to be there for someone if they need us without getting catch. Find at all times the optimal measures between internal and external, the personal and the collective, attentive to what surround us, acting with care considering the proism, so we will be able to achieve the balance and quality derived from the process.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Friday, 25 October 2024
Friday, 11 October 2024
Everyone wants quality, and this implies that there are some utensilis, some ingredients with some peculiarities and contributions that must know how to combine to extract a purpose from it, and it must bring profit and well being. The purest, resistant, durable, are synonyms of quality, presents in all areas, therefore we must differentiate between what is optimal and what is not. If we have qualitative elements we have to know how to deal with them, how to apply them to achieve the best performance in their use. Voluntarily or forcibly we share, and the temperament, sensitivity and the type of bond, will incline us to show ourselves in a specific way according to the case. Most associate quality with material factors, and they are undoubtedly valuable. Howewer, true quality emerges from the inside in the form of virtues evidenced in behavior. Show kindness, affection, equanimity, spirit of service, rectitude, and search of individual and social harmony, are factors that generate quality. What do we share ? What we are willing to share ? We can do it through words, goods, and actions. The current present is a product of past interactions. What we have we received it through exchanges. What we have learned has been through transmissions that have provided bases for subsequent increases. What we share they are inheritances from others derived from knowledge or resources, with successive links for new continuities. Where does the quality of sharing lie ? In what it shows, in the sensations it leaves. Quality are optimal benefits, in what is said, is done and what is left. Why is it so hard to have quality relationships ? because selfish interests prevail and there is no true longing to know characteristics of the other for a satisfactory fit. There is not quality because we have not internalized it in ourselves due to the superficial lifestyle self centered on low profile desires compared to what we can get with spiritual development. If there is not enough quality inside it will be reflected outside. Quality depends on the raw and/or external material and the outcome with the result.