Friday 26 July 2024


The attraction or repulsion it´s a matter of wavelength. Where we tune in, where we vibrate, where we agree, will generate attraction, And on the opposite side it will show us repulsion.                                       The senses transmit information to us according to our idyosincrasies. It´s all about tastes and values. What we like has a value, and what we dislike does not. We want to get closer to what makes us feel good, and away from what does not freeze, what irritates.                                                                                        The similar attracts the similar and the different separate. We need to stay with people with whom we understand each other, be able to collaborate with each other, That´s why we come together for affinities. ¿ How can we relate to any perspective if the ideals are opposites, different objectives and a conflicting code of values ? The evolutionary level, the cultural scope, the family heritage they influence the concepts we have forged about what surround us. Diversity menas that there are criteria and tendencies of all kinds, and so that which is highly valued and pleasant by some, it is unpleasant and worthless to others. ¿Some are right and others not ? Connections lean us in one direction, and development and results must be seen with the possible benefits or losses to realize where each one is headed and what he may find sooner or later.                                                                                                                                                                 We must know how to observe to realize the pros and cons of what attracts. Temptations assiduously physical and / or materials can look captivating, but is necessary broaden horizons and seeing the full picture and possible outcomes.                                                                                                                       Both what attracts and what is rejected are indicated to us by the senses. What we see, feel, touch, smell and tastes, and our singularity they will lean in one side or another. We are destined to relate with the people according to our evolution in each section of the different processes. Who is very different we will no longer know him, because the important thing is the utility.                                                                      We must approach to what revitalizes and offers opportunities, and reject the opposite sense. Is very easy make the elections because we have very internalized what fit us and what diverges.

Friday 12 July 2024


If we are immersed in a world set up to move forward, why certain people in which areas immobility is sought ? Links are inevitable. From a previous action to a later one, the chain is constant, and no one escapes to this framework. Every day is similar but none identical, then ¿ from which arises the desire to perpetuate situations for fear or supposed losses, to enjoy a comfort or maintain certain privileges ? We are permanently debating between two fronts. Facing the unknown with what we know to go looking for what you don´t have. A part of certainty  and a foundation. and one part of uncertainty and empty. The ignorance of what can happen it makes us cling to the experienced and usual because we know how to proceed.                                                                                                                                                            The spiritual precepts tell us that everything is for the best and we must have certainty. If we know how to observe, we will check on an individual level. Events that seemed harmful at the time have led us to a more optimal situation. In the collective aspect it cost much more due to the dynamic of crisis and chaos that always accompanies us.                                                                                                                            Why we want to hold on to relationships that are empty of content, boring, without enthusiasm or a purpose of growth ? why don´t we look to find a job that allows us to cover indispensable resources ? Why do we settle for a simple generalization in the different usual areas if the stranding prevails in more of a front ? Maintaning privileges often at the expenses of others for selfish material desires which are satisfying to have but prevent improvements as a being.                                                                                                      What do we gain and what do we lose with immobility ? We want to cover the file and make it light by wasting opportunities to expand us by imaginary fears of thought ? Or we want to establish generalized satisfaction through efforts, time and patience with the relevant benefits at the right time ?                         What is immutable are the foundations from which the basic intentions spring expressed in eternal virtues with the purpose of stablishing a state of continuous well being and harmony.