Sacrifice derives from SACROFACERE that means maked it sacred. Sacred in the high sense, pure, important. In the opposite side there is the profane, which are the usual everyday actions lacking in significance. Do we perform more sacred or profane acts ? Observing the code of values and behavior we find the answer without difficulty. We would like spectacular experiences and conditions, and if they go in the opposite direction that´s why we proceed in the opposite way to achieve it. If prevails the ignorance and the unconsciousness to replace the prosaic with the refined, it is clear that we will be in the material density limited. Sacrifice unlike the majority understood, it does not consist of wanting something but holding back, or do someone a favor forced by circumstances. As expressed by the etymology of the word is change a context that does not bring benefits internally or externally by the other means, tools and occupations that allow increase the possibilities of development and improvement. How many activities we carry out of habit thoughtlessly, without stopping to reflect on its convenience and usefulness ? And so one day and another to go nowhere nor extract any profit from it, with the fantasy that is pleasant, when the background is empty of content. Focused basically on what we have and what we lack, in the own selfish desires, we pursue worldy goods that come and go, that depend on third parties, while the splendor that we all long for never arrives because is not in the surrounding area. We have confused the means with the goal, and this is only an intermediary. Bound by olbligations due to the need to cover deficits, we don´t have time nor has the indispensable foundation been forged to perform sacred actions.We have to be content with subsisting as best we can. And crowded trying to extend a transitory presence, let´s leave aside the implicit purpose that has placed us here for something deeper than maintaining physical conditions.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Friday, 29 March 2024
Thursday, 14 March 2024
Decipher why and what, know how to proceed to fit the personal and impersonal, the private and collective interests, continously measures the appropiate and the inconvenient. We must face the challenge of combining duality and unity. No one can live for us and neither other way round. The nourishment is outside, and the obtaining of resources lies in one´s own abilities offering services and the contribution of third parties in exchanges. The war room is where the struggle takes place between what we would like and what is, between the possible and the viable. Our part and the necessary external support to complete projects. Consciousness awakens the survival instinct, knowing that we have to look for the opportunity, and this is a question as personal as provided by the environment. From individual isolation to collective coupling. Deficiencies create dependence which is the key to overcoming efforts in the constant exchanges of giving and receiving. The egocentric vision inclines us to watch for our interests, and these are in close relation to the actions committed. If the balance in the interaction are unbalanced, the gains may occur early on, but in the long run the deterioration will lead to losses. We with our pretensions brings chaos to our lives, not the environment. If we don´t look inside, what has driven us to want and do what we do, we can not eraase the source from which it emerged. The origin of disonances and conflicts it is not harmonizing personal desires with those of others and the place where the action takes place. If there is no peace inside, there is war outside. What is observed outside springs from within. And we must ask how the discrepancy between what we think and want and what happen. If selfishness weighs more than altruism the controversies will persist. We must give more, to share more, for the benefit of all involved. The negativity is the result of our elections. One´s with great advantages and others with great difficulties. Selfish approaches give absolute priority to the material goods and no importance to the spiritual goods, when in reality the valuable goods are the spiritual goods. And if they come to realize this, it may be too late, because in the end the transitory can not be maintained.
Friday, 1 March 2024
Truth is to expose the facts with words or other means. Lying is misrepresenting the event or creating alternative stories about what really happened. What drives to you to lie ? Not to be harmed according to precedents or to obtain benefits through deception. Whatever the lie is driven by interest.. The background context may not be favorable enough and to reverse it, lying become a joker, passing off the unreal as truthful. When punishable acts have been committed, the fear of being discovered and the possible and subsequent consequences in the form of fines and punishment, is also the interest of not losing money or freedom, and in some cases physical suffering. Lie is essentially in relation to us, and sometimes we do it for someone close in order not to have to pay the price of inaccuracies. Truth assumes responsibility case of having made mistakes. Lie is wanting to escape about the event beforehand. We can lie because of negligence, for personal reasons, for work or commercial matters, and also in relations. Momentarily perhaps the blow can be stopped, but if the inventions are discovered, the possibles advantages end. The foundation of links with the intention of projection and durability require sincerity. And when the mistrut appears the continuity is in danger. The true brings peace of mind, perhaps we can pay something according to the previous actions, but the opportunity to improve it must be taken advantage of. When you lie, the issue has not been settled,and the uncertainty does not know how it will affect later on. True or lie expose the personal idiosyncrasy. The responsible and the irresponsible. The honest ones and the fakes ones. Those who shows maturity by taking charge of actions, and those who want to evade them. The true it is associated with cleanliness, to the trasparency. The lie is dirt so that what is really there is not seen. Authenticity or falsity, an ever present dilemma that affects us all.