Equal and different are present around us. In every creation it starts from a point incorporating new elements, the different aimed at a goal. If there was only one aspect without other contributions, there´s no movement nor purpose, life as we know would have no meaning. To give meaning to our respective individual existences, we must intreract with others. Lacks make us dependent, forcing us to establish links, and in the constant offer and demand we can access to the pretender. The different it provides us to fill gaps and build new foundations. Equals in the essential, differents in the rest. Conceived equal but different in the expression, because no one thinks, feels or does exactly the same way. The evloutionary level it places in an area and conditions for specific tasks, and for this reason equality is not possible for the differences between each one. Equal and different can adjust working together, providing what the other lacks. If the differences are big, understanding can be difficult, and unviable for the discordances. Here is where it is found that similar attracts similar and the different separate. The desire of some humans reflected in politics or religion, wants citizenship to be an extension of unique thinking. Totalitarian forms they cannot be forced when everyone forges their own ideas and have their peculiarities. Pretending that everyone be the same when everyone is different, it is one of the distortions of the ego that has caused so many conflicts and it continues to cause chaos and destruction as a result.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Thursday, 15 February 2024
Thursday, 1 February 2024
If we don´t change our consciousness or the way we live, our lives can not change for the better. Go beyond the limits trespassing the comfort is the challenge, but only with a constant tests will have options to achieve conditions not imagined if we are satisfied with the present situation without a clear horizon and no definite purpose. The field of action for a concretion requires a limit so if it wasn´t there would be a dispersion and you wouldn´t be able to express the density in works that must have value to the effort. From a base of minimums the combinations can be infinite, and for one reason or another we only express a tiny part. The enthusiam for desire an style of life endowed with content it has come from within. Centered only in the basic we leave aside the existential purpose. Only few people stop to reflect, asking why about the circumstances and its reason. Let´s focus on banalities, and the surround, thinking generally in to produce,, consume and benefits, and so the time goes by without knowing who we are and our characteristics with the relations and opportunites that entails. What proportion of what is done turns into a true profit ? We set the bar very low, and the valued as enjoyment is only product of our prevailing consciousness. We have come to make a qualitative differences, with more refined expressions. What vibrations emit the ideas, thoughts and words in the enviornment ? The actions are they edifying or do they deteriorate and losses ? The external comes and goes, now is there and then not, may be money, bonds or utensils. We can not control, from one situation to another always with a base. What is material we don´t know how long can it last. However, if we internalize in search of answers understanding through observations and perceptions, we will see what density does not see. How many people wants to endow experiences of trascendence ? The minority that already carries it incorporated in the deepest the longing for overcoming. Not only achieve physical resources, but those that bring us closer to a continuous neatness. The limits in one or more area deprived of expanding and accessing to more opportunities and prosperous conditions. Every day shows in what must be settle and where we must never limit. Only the constant development of consciousness with a great discernment and equanimity they will tell us.