Tuesday, 19 September 2023


We complain easily irritated by trifles which we raise to an enormous category, a reflection of the prevailing narowness of concepts that are disproportionately valued for lack of breadth.Everything comes down to what I think, believead and value from an ego point of view.                                                                  What is punishable ? What is considered impure ?  Who knows how to perfectly distinguish the difference between right and wrong ? What can be done and what can not, what is acceptable and what unacceptable. some words, some tastes, a way of dressing. What´s wrong ? What is inappropiate ? for what reason ? every word, every expression, every action, is examined with a magnifying glass and the insignificant runs wild. overreacts, and then spend days and days turning around specific anecdotes treating the case and the alleged offenders as demons.                                                                                                                            We have drunk our understanding, we are in the era of exacerbated puritanism. Everything can be put into question, and if you don´t like what we say or do, the accusing finger wants to pass judgement and must be exemplary.                                                                                                                                                    There are moral policemen monitoring the dress, and other areas exactly the same. Is best to keep distances and don´t put the hands to according which places  and nor interpret that we force someone.         On the one hand we are not prepared to tolerate what is considered an infringement, but we are ready  to consent the people similar like us.                                                                                                                   There are people that cross boundaries when the behavior becomes intimidating, invades the space of others, puts the integrity in risk, and every case must be observed with foundation.                                        Never will be possible an unanimity when behind the crooshairs the criteria and values are sustained by morality, ethics or a determined religion. Costs a lot to be equanimous and unbiased when it is imbued with an often reductionist vision unable to expand the perspective and show more mercy instead the maximum severity.                                                                                                                                           Are all laws fair ? Are all judge infallible  ? If the laws have shortcomings or are incorrect. If the judges they are often driven by their own assesssments. If the fundamentalists are not impeccable, Then how should we proceed to restore purity ?

Sunday, 3 September 2023


Resignation assumes that we have a defined goal and when we set in motion to make it happen, circumstances beyond our control prevent us from achieving this. Resignation shows us on several occasions that one thing is what we want and the other is what is possible. It is the most effective way to tame the ego and strengthen humility.                                                                                                              Accept what can not be changed. Things happen constantly that we are powerless to prevent the course of events, where the only thing we  can do is take note so that the losses or the harmful serve us as a reference for later.                                                                                                                                             By choice or by force is how we can respond. Fortunately without resisting or giving too much importance. By force for not being able to face the context.                                                                         Resignation is impotence before the facts. The desire is one thing and the result is another. It also helps not to rely too much on the process that goes from the beginning to the end, specially if it depends on the external collaboration of others or unforeseen situations far from our scope of maneuver.                             Sometimes may be it´s good not to get what we want because of the later consequences. We must be clear about the  objective and possible triggers. Park the purpose temporarily if the context is not favorable, and insist later when the conditions may bring more possibilities.                                                                         Everyone experience episodes where has to resign. Personal longings involve externalization and depend on the environment, of skills, of resources, of others.Achieving it is a matter of our temperament and what is most convenient. Accepting outcomes with peace reinforces maturity. Of the many things we would like to obtain a certain way, in the end we do it according to what is necessary at each moment both individually and collectively.                                                                                                                           If we achieved all the claims quickly without obstacles or oppositions, it would be very harmful to the individual himself. To learn, expand the consciousness, we must fit continually with others and the environment, and the occasions that do not occur as desired, they are great opportunities to focus on what is convenient uncovering the background of the event in order to pour the energy in more appropiate ways.