Tuesday, 18 April 2023

ASHIR ( wealthy ) eyes, teeth, hands, feet

Ashir means wealthy, not in its literal meaning, but in the physical resources we have to realize all kinds of purposes for our development. We have eyes to see, which are used to identify what surrounds us and know how to locate everything in the right place to fit optimally. We are eqquiped with teeth so that the food can be crushed properly before moving to the stomach and digestive system leaving us with the nutrients before the unusuable is eliminated. Hands are our tools of action. Five fingers on each hand that indicate that we must put the five senses before starting a movement and be precise. Get the intended result. The two hands with ten fingers, state that the purpose is achieve the completeness  in the purposes. And feet they allow us to move. We can´t stand still making connections involves the eyes to know where to look, the teeth to chew while staying with the essentials for good organic functioning. And the hands to forge the differents purposes every moment. It´s a matter of working together. Two eyes, jawbone upper and lower, two hands and two feets. The two principles sender i receiver, the two gender male and female. The left eye is associated with the moon, the right eye to the sun. Hand right and feet to the man, and hand and feet left to the woman.                                                                                                                               If we want to extract the best contribution, we must adjust the two polarities constantly. When we introduce harmony the fit has been produced. Distortions, physical or psychological problems are consequences of not having properly coupled the two principles.                                                                   Eyes, teeth, hands, feet, four types of resources, suppose a work of concreteness to practical level by the numerical connotations of the number four. When four becomes eight, which would be to raise the actions and their purpose to a more refined sphere. Depending on the benefits and the way of proceeding we will stay in the sphere of four or we can doble in the scope of eight.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023


This is the trend if we want to push the opponet away, spread rumors, spread alleged irregularities, create a story where the pointed out seems very bad, and throw the carcass publicly so that the populace can be added to it, and in a matter of time work done. Sometimes the center of the target will point to politicians, that if they have money in paradise countries, that if they have embezzed. Others that may cast doubt the deep state, not hesitating to mobilize the entire repressive apparatus that acts with impunity without the ability to replay or counterattack. Relevant people who annoy because of what they say, because of the echo, because it shows some crooked foundations and rotten forms derived from interests that few the lower.                                                                                                                                                               Clubs, institutions, presidents, everything that is not pleasant and is a nuisance, slanders, and the people that does not distinguish truth from lies, with the aim of unpacking what you don´t want, what you don´t like and put the status at risk.The accused are already guilty before presenting evidence, without trial, without demostrations, ready for that barbarity in the form of comments or actions and very severe requests of punishment, Only lacks imitate the ancient romans and turn the thumb down for these alleged wrongdoers to be charged.                                                                                                                                This uneducated society, insensitivity, exalting what is no value and despising what if they have. Surrounded by sophisticated tools but with an aggressive behavior, despot, violent, disrespectful, who happily signs up for free lynching to satiate the insctintive side.It doesn´t matter if the substance of the question is true or not, what it counts is cornering, dissolve, dilute, driven by desires that will not bring satisfaction finally, because they are encouraged in hatred, lies, revenge, and are doomed to failure.