Sunday, 17 April 2022


 We are all self aware, and this generates self esteem which is paramount to overcoming ourselves. No one can breathe or feed on anyone else, this evidence along with the shortcomings and constant dependencies, it inclines us to seek benefits focused most of the time on ourselves.                                                               Around us multiplicity is manifested in infinity of expressions, and if we observe we can see that the parts works for a whole. From diversity to unity. The design of what accompanies us in all areas, it always depends on the external contribution of other resources to continue offering its peculiarities, and this is where the challenge of the ego lies. To take care of one´s owm subsistence by connecting with the environment by carrying out the exchanges for both personal and social good.                                             What we have learned is through the transmission of other people. The resources that we have now are due to previously connections. We receive daily supplies from a diverse crowd. We alone without the participation of so many suppliers we could not survive, and in the face of the evidence we should be able to focus on personal desires  with a broad vision for better results for those involved.                          Daily conflicts are nothing more and nothing less than the consequences of wanting to satisfy the instinctive primary side acting unbalanced without taking into account the impact on others of what certain procedures entail.                                                                                                                                  In essence the purpose is the same for everyone. Inequalities originate from unbridled egos in search of material goods at the expense of expropiating the wealth of others, and in their blindness and ignorance they waste life on the ephemeral losing the opportuny to evolve which is why we are here.                          The word ANI means I in hebrew, and if we exchange for AIN means nothing. The interpretation is that the self is like nothing, The pity is that when most become aware of it it may be too late.

Sunday, 3 April 2022


 As it is inside it is outside. What we show with words and actions emerges from within, and if the storage is harmonious, so will the expression.Otherwise, if the insider points out an imbalance, the behavior will show.                                                                                                                                                                 We internalize ways of thinking and feeling according to our idyosincrasies, abilities and experiences. The gradually accumulated in the form of knowledge and the echo of this in us, together with the relationships and the impact they leave, they forge a code of values that we will have to fit with the purposes and / or pretensions that we want concretize at every moment.                                                                                   If we do not nourish the interior sufficiently with a continuous instruction to expand consciousness with observations and reflections about what happened and its impact, we will not have the necessary breadth of vision to proceed with due neatness depending on the challenge.                                                              A life focused on having and money, on material goods, without any other purpose, accumulating years without knowing ourselves or making the effort in this sense, without modifying defects, shortcomings and vices, it will inevitably lead to external expressive inaccuracies, because the strictly material sphere is limited and superficial.                                                                                                                                    There are conflicts every day, problems persist, and the inability to find solutions does not come by the inability derived from wanting to satisfy one´s owm desires.                                                                         The outside reflects inside, and if it chaos, suffering and hardship, it is because emerges from within.         How do we accumulate this darkness ? Simply so as not to introduce light. To want a wordly life that always means gaps and dependencies, instead of a spiritual life where we realize the meaning and purpose of our presence and of what is truly valuable and important.                                                                          The inaccuracies persist in pouring everything into the transitory and limited, and we will only change it by leaning towards the opposite.