Everyone wants well being, resources, optimal conditions, each according to the place, possibilities and individual characteristics and the task to be performed within the set. Concretizing requires knowing and acting. The environment provides us with means for a purpose, what we have to acquire is a base of reference eqquipping us with skills aimed at constant exchanges that we are pushed to offer for their respective personal shortcomings and different external dependencies. We have an accumulated share in the form of knowledge and the ability to offer services to make transactions. These two pathways are aimed at filling deficits, and to get the best possible result, we have to strike a balance widespread of the various parts of which we are composed, and so we can establish external links in harmony. To know what we want, why, whether it is convenient or not, and to provide ourselves with the resources to obtain it. When what we want involves sooner or later conflicts in a personal level or affecting others, it indicates a lack of balance, and therefore it is not possible to complete it by distortion of thinking and the negative environment impact. We all yearn to be as complete as possible. Have the ability to discern, be fair, distinguish the right from the wrong. In the affective of loving and be loved, the fucking thing is that often the darkness introduced deep inside us creates the opposite effect to desired. We all want health and quality in our environment, and if we do not experience it is because in the roots of what we think , feel and do there is no balance, and as long as it is not introduced in all areas we will never feel the sense of fulfillment even for a moment.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Thursday, 3 March 2022
Everything that breaks the harmony is a consequence of not fitting in properly what emerges from the inside with the outside, of not properly coupling the individual desires or pretensions with respect to someone or the collective. The various daily aberrations that have devastating effects originate in ignorance and the unconsciousness. It wants to gratify the ego imbued by the demands of the instinctive lower nature and primary when foused on receiving and having self centered, disregarding the proism and the effect which can have the consequences of clumsy actions. What breaks the unity and natural flow with distorting methods is the cause of the conflicts. There are many ways to disturb order and peace : murder, blaspheme, steal, deceive, swear in vain, do what is wrong, defame, short circuits that distance the connection with the spiritual side. This diversity mentioned if we look at the intended purpose in each, the longing for personal gratification and the harm caused by the action taken is clearly seen. Temporary satisfaction lasting dissatisfaction is what sooner or later entails transgressing the rules basics of civility. Pursuing an alleged short term enjoyment or benefit without anticipating the triggers for not proceeding properly, is the manifestation of unconsciouness and ignorance in search of miserable ends. They are aware that they are committing criminal acts, they do not ignore the dangers,but if continue their own darkness blinded to satisfy an immediate desire, it usually ends in a long purge that limits and conditions with a great imbalance between the gratification of a moment and what will happen next. Appropriate personal gratifications are the ones that bring us improvement, they represent and advance and do not have a negative impact in others, on the contrary , if there is a potential increase in the virtues of social service.