Sunday, 17 October 2021


Indifference is neither yes nor no, neither cold nor hot neither like nor dislike, neither in favor nor against, in short, a neutrally is adopted that does not opt for anything by keeping a distance from the underlying theme. With indifference it does not matter the outcome, nor whether there is improvement or a worsening, if one or the other wins, if there are gains or losses due to not feeling involved. Indifference is closer to cold because there is no enthusiasm nor is it given the indispensable value to take side. In many social aspects that concern us all we should be vigilant for them for optimal conditions, and instead the usual individualistic and selfish tendency with a restricted view when searching only for a small plot, it makes many inhibition problems persist. When something touches us closely we are not indifferent because the desire is to have, preserve, and dispose of appropriate conditions. Indifference occurs not to understand and not vibrate in the background and in/or the form, and in the absence of emotional involvement it is easier to show detached mental attitude. The significance and relevance of an era can become indifferent over time for various changes. And exactly the same in relationships. Important people with certain ties, we find that they have passed into oblivion, because enthusiasm, affection and affinity have evaporated along the way. At what times, in what areas should we be indifferent and when should we become involved ? We will have to observe our reactions, the validity or not of certain atitude, and readjust as many times as necessary our response to events that occur.