Sunday, 27 September 2020


Words and actions they are the means of relationsship between us and others, between us and the environment. The conception we have of what surrounds us, the ideas and beliefs, it is elaborated through thought in the form of words, and then some of these will remain in expository theories, and others will want to materialize in actions. Before acting we must know what we want and what needs to be done, extracting the process of words that serve as a reference and support to know how to proceed. Just as words arise from within, action always takes place on the outside. Words want to express with a mental and emotional component in which cases. The actions give shape to the previous indications provided by the words. The tendencies of an epoch according to tastes and preponderances, if over time they change, it will also affect words and actions. What we say and do today indicates what we think, feel, or want now, and tomorrow may be diametrically different depending on the circumstances. Words are elastic, we can extend or compress expressions, but the actions are what they are. Two senses can intervene in the words ( heard when they are heard, and seen when they are read ) Actions depending on the context, can participate in all senses. Hands participate in written words and actions. The mouth does so in the oral part. The two lips and the two hands, indicate the two principles in motion, being transmitters and receivers. The mouth and eyes are the active part in words, and the hands in writing and acting. The ear the passive part that listens. The action takes place on the outside, after internal elaboration of the thought. The function of words is to link what springs from within for an external application. Actions densify what words mean. There may be words without action, although speaking is already a dynamazing fact, but is not possible to act without a precedent indicated by words. Words can tell truths or lies, actions are evidence. What is said or not, in what is done or not, we show the whole conglomerate of distinctive factors, and every day and every moment we need to be clear about what we want and what
we want to do, because the imprints left will mark the future.

Sunday, 13 September 2020


We express ourselves by words and actions. The origin is thought, and this is possible thanks to the words, finding us in the dilemma that what was first if the thought or the word. The words are responsible for identifying, relate and link what surrounds us and thought is who order.
Thinking through words, without these it would not possible establish connections between us and the environment. The words connect the seed and the fruit. In what is said there is a mental component and a sentimental one depending on what is involved.
In the first instance we maybe attracted to someone by beauty, and case of establishing a relationship, words and actions they are the ones who will finally bring us closer or farther away, because the interactions are made by the combination of both factors.
Men and women fall in love with words and actions which give a value according to each. And observing what surround us, the bar is set vey low if we note the behavior of these people. And in spite of everything the enchantment emerges.
The key of feeling comfortable or uncomfortable, relaxed or tense, lies in the affinity that is established between those involved. Getting closer or further away depends on the fit between what we think and want, with what is said and done.
When choosing partners or friends, we must aspire to an understanding, to a quality of background, and seeing what predominates ¿ how is such poor aspirations possible ?
Mediocrity is evident in what is said and done, and despite the evidence many people are enthusiastic about nothing, and couples are formed without providing enriching exchanges. Bonds can last for years without going anywhere, where there is no development nor benefit from the basic emptiness, absence of project and inability to transit qualitative values.
Meaningful words and actions for some it may be the opposite for others. then is not words or actions, it is our conceptions, our ideals which determine its importance or not.
The words should serve to clarify, instruct, push us to improve. The actions must in fact execute the prior learning to build new presents that constantly expands the potential. Words are the engine, the actions the implementation.