Monday, 31 August 2020


The base forged in a past allows the present. And today we are preparing the ground for a tomorrow. Nothing happens with more, there is always a trigger which ends in a manifestation. Between the abstraction of the idea and the concretion in facts, will determine some results that will leave an effect. And in this state that we move between consciousness and unconsciousness, sometimes the echo is optimal and other times it leads to problems.
People in the current situation of impasse and uncertainty, only thinks of his own self interest, in material goals, in bars and beatches. After years damaging the planet, increasing pollution, widening the rift of difficulties between rich and poor, instead of making deep reflections by asking yourself how we got to this mess and we are now limited and conditioned by previous actions, the important thing seems to be to consume and go partying.
The virus is the trigger to rethink life personally and collectively. The suppoed " normality " was not so in the face of so much misery manifested in multiples ways. The message to be deciphered is how we want to live and what we plan to do to create sustainable alternatives.
It is not a question of producing to infinity, of overexploting resources and people, that milions and milions go from one place to another with the enviromental damage that it entails. The system did not work, we generated a bubble which has exploded. Pretend to go back to the point where we were without changing the background and the form, is not understanding what current experience reveal to us.
After the excesses come the restrictions, which is where we stand. Pending to satisfy physical desires and material goals, those affected are health and the economy for having abandoned living with spiritual principles. And pending only of earnings and cups, without thinking of setting different parameters where everyone is involved, we will not understand the reason for the experience nor will be able to extract a benefit from it.
There are no tribulations without transgressions. Humanity is being judged and tested for what we have done, and complaining  by blaming external issues rinsing away our responsibility is not seeing it clearly.
The " normality " of continuing to destroy or regenerate. We have to decide what we want, to stop the whirlwind of where we were, or to reformulate the existence with sustainable ways and actions for the good of all.

Monday, 17 August 2020


If we stop and observe what we want and what we do, we will realize that we are continuosly making investments. Is not about money in any particular fund, but in how we manage time and resources so that they can produce benefits.
Between what we want and what suits us is the constant debate to be faced, because the desired does not mean that it has to bring gain or satisfaction, can do it the other way depending on what you are talking about and its impact on us. What we need to find out is where the appropriate lies in any area and prepare us to attract it.
From studies, work, different relationships, various activities, tastes, trends, employment in leisure, we are making investments for a purpose. Provide us with training to access a good profession. Select friendships or possible partners for exchange where we feel comfortable. Spend time on motivating tasks, leisure time. In one way or another we are investing, and this implies the pursuit of enjoyment, of some revenue to be obtained.. But why do we study, why do we work, why do we want friendships
The sensation of well being is the common denominator, Is lawful to seek it, the question lies in knowing how to do it.
If health accompanies us and have the indispensable money, is the evidence of connecting the different links well which lead to a good investment of the movements made. If on the contrary one or more of the aspects mentioned fails, we need to review what we are doing to see that it needs to be changed to reverse the situation.
When the different aspects, both internal and external flow, the investments are made correctly.
When problems accumulate, congestion persists, discomfort prevails and no solution is outlined, no matter how much effort is being made, it does not lead to the desired result, it is a sign of structural deficits and shortcomings.
We must invest with intelligence at every moment to make the day profitable, and persisting in this way we will invest in a life of development and improvement, accessing gradually  to more optimal levels.