Sunday, 31 May 2020


We are all individuals and we are all collective. The parts and the whole are present everywhere. And the challenge is to know how to adjust over and over again the contributions to be made between unity and diversity.
The aim of the parties is to provide a specificity for the set the work, and when the different members carry out their task in synchrony the result will manifest the intended purpose.
We share space with other evolutionary realms To more evolution more freedom, more faculties, and yet dependence of the collective is constant for individual development.
We all have skills and shortcomings, which are the key to exercising day in and day out in the pursuit of what we want to achieve. Shortcomings lead to dependence and to cover them we have to make exchanges, and it is through services where through offer and demand we can give and receive reciprocally.. And in the interactions of the parts the whole is complemented.
Civilization pushes necessarily to establish bonds, and through the singular contributions of each we cover the deficits. Is not possible the isolation, the contact is inevitable and indispensable, is a deep cosmic fabric to dynamize some peculiarities for the personal good and for the common good.
In nature money does not serve, and even if we lived in the forest, we would continue to depend on oxygen, water and food. What we lack, what we need, makes us come out of ourselves pushing us to join forces for their respective personal interests.
If there are conflicts it is a consequence of not fitting the pretensions and actions of the members, showing that is essential to collaborate in harmony.
Everyone seeks well being that means quality, and this involves constantly coupling the internal and external between each other, giving and receiving, in what and how we do it.
Multiplicity and unity must be coupled to mantain optimal conditions ensuring the introduction of more refined forms because it is the goal of the world of action where we are immersed.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


What we manifest on the outside has been forged on the inside, and the same happens exactly between the visible and the invisible. We can not see, touch or weigh what is cooked iternally, nor what happens in the invisble. Is a question of perception, which depends on global balance, goals, behavior and consciousness.
Focused mostly on the mundane side, how many wonder when and how the current mess in form of a virus originated  And naturally, instead of finding out the cause to go to the root and know how to proceed, once again the effect will be treated.
The virus is the consequence of repetitive actions which have been deteriorating the environment.
Finding a vaccine will alleviate the number of infections, but if we continue with the debauchery of before which caused the explosion, will serve little purpose, because planetary disease are the excesses, the abuses, the immoderation that has taken us where we are.
The unbridled debauchery has been conditioning freedom. Time, space and movement limited  as a counterpoint to rebalancing. And instead of being so impatient about material things, we should discover the trigger to straighten out what suits us, because if it doesn´t go to the bottom we´ll just put temporary pieces, and the vulnerability always leads to the essential point, health, economy and relations.
How we used  the time so that we can not now managed freely ? What we have scattered  in space for having to take these precautions away ? How have we moved so that we hardly move away from home ?
We can associate  time to the health, space to relations, and movement to the economy.
When we are sick we can not dispose of time as we will. If we want stay close someone and is better to stay separate, it tell us that we have been invading  the space of others or the nature, and restore order asks go away. Movement is freedom, and do it restrictively is multiple scope restriction. The paralysis of activities and the reduction as usual, affects economy. The question is : how were the movements, how were they made, with what pretensions, to end up where we are ?