Crisis comes from the verb KRISI that means " separate " " decide " compared with krei ( to cut, to distinguish )
When we say that there is a crisis or it is in crisis, what are we expressing ? a context that use to work more or less well, and when an obstruction occurs it ceases to do so. And we have to go to the root and find ways to fix out.
According to the portion Likutei Torah 2: 48 says that every curse is a blessing of such high order as the content it can not be assimilated in the context of the limited spiritual level of our world. In the future, or in moments of excepctional spirituality in the present can be revealed the true good of the curse.
If in the current actual crisis, if we are only pending of how it affects pesonally thinking about what we can achieve or lose, without delving into why we should experience it and what wants to show the universe, surely we will only see it as a curse by the limiting and dangerous events of the moment.
When tragic events occur and judgment comes on the world it is an awakening for all us, and the challenge is to know how to take advantage of it.
Isolation and confinement is an opportunity for reflection, to find out the triggers for having reached such an extreme context. Strengthen the closeness of family ties, maintaining a social distance which comes to tell us to be careful of what we say or do for its incidence. Distancing is not approaching to possible contaminants.
The unbridled rhythm of the past has not made us better people, we have not been able to generate decent conditions for everyone, on the contrary, poverty has increased, and the society of two levels seems unavoidable.
It´s not about being impatient to get back to where we were before, because there is a lot of review, a lot of rethink and a lot to change.
The general halt must come together in rethinking the purposes : what do we really want ? where is the primordial and what is expendable ? where did the previous lyfestyle take us ? were we satisfied ? we will turn the page in a few days as if nothing had happened, or we will be skilled enough to introduce healthy transformations ? the human gender, as always, capable of the best and the worst, where will the balance tip ? will the refined or the instinctive part be imposed ?