Sunday, 29 December 2019


In the universe nothing is forgotten, everything is recorded in the akashic register since immemorial time. Which tell us that from the most insignificant to the most relevant is important. That should make us sprout an immense prudence before saying or doing according to what for the subsequent consequences. Is the unconsciousness and the ignorance who makes us reckless. Just have to check the day to day to find out insignificant affairs ending in authentic barbarities.
We have free will before to execute an action or pronounce some words. Once expressed or mobilized is no longer possible to reverse neither is returning the water where it was if the floodgates that contained it have been opened.
The robbers, scammers, assassins, they can be calm before acting, but once the events have been triggered, the peace is over.
If those who want to commit crime know perfectly well to what they are exposed ¿ is it worth risking or damaging the life in prison ? 
It is said that is a spirit of madness to be installed in the person the one that impels to transgress, and it is true that if we compare how little can be gained temporarily and how much to lose in the long run, it is certainly product of imbalance.
In a matter of seconds we can go from normality to nightmare, all for one impulse and hurtful desires.
We are responsible for what we do. The manifest has consequences and must be assumed, and knowing it we have to think well what we will say and what we will do because it will leave its mark, and this will affect positively or negatively

Sunday, 15 December 2019


Surrounded by immense possibilities it turns out that milions of people are living precariously or in poverty. Eqquiped with highly sophisticated tools, we use them in many cases for nonsense  wasting time.
Some with excessive greed wants to live with the maximum pleasures and comfort, endangering the planet, and those unbridled longings can become in their destruction.
Everyone wants a well being, and this demands a balance between action and the result. We want one thing and generate the opposite because the approach is wrong from the beginning. Think and do focused only on one´s own particular benefits has been and is the cause of misunderstandings and problems of all kinds.
Each age has had its difficulties, we were able to polish certain aspects after many years, because humans are specialists in repeating mistaakes to the point of extinction.
Resources that degrade, and meanwhile the predators are struggling hard for material goods that they will to leave, malaise reigns in all areas because we don´t know how to behave properly.
The governors are chosen by the people, and what is the prevailing level ? Of mediocrity , which is the reflection of the electors, with a few exceptions. If from the base is so that prevails, we should not be surprised by the leaders in line with the electors.
We protest, complain, feel victimized, make claims of all kind, and is useless or in any case in a very long term after a persistence insistence. We must be clear that there is a cause and effect, and if we don´t go to the root modifying the precise, we will only put patches which is the usual option.
We don´t know how to find the optimal measures for personal interests, for the unconsciousness, for not realize of the consequences in oneself and in the environment, and therefore is not surprising that we go from conflict to conflict.for disability due to limited and narrow vision focused only on the material side.
A society in check if we don´t wake up from the illusion that keeps up in the lethargy. Some may not be part of it, but the rest are doomed if the essential changes are not made to come out of the vicious circle.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019


The intolerant is authoritarian, he wants to impose his criterion rejecting peculiarities of others who annoy him. The intolerant raises his ideals, its identity in an excessive way because of having an inflated ego that make him believe that it is very important, and in consequence everything that elevates itself decreases the value of the opposite in equal proportion.
The intolerant can not live in peace because always is pending of what they say or do who are opposed to him to censor, forbid or lean on laws that limit in one sense.
The intolerant is a bitter one that bitter others with their constant pretensions of domination and imposition. it only has to prevail their position, their manners, and that leaves of this script is attacked and persecuted.
The intolerant with his microcosm and its delirium of greatness, has a close mind which does not accept differences or discrepancies. It goes against the very evolution that is to expand knowledge and consciousness, and the immobility petrifies him preventing advance, where the stagnation accumulates impurities that sooner or later will behave negativity.
The intolerant believes that he is the possessor of truth, when its narrowness and behavior show exactly the opposite.
Who is pending constantly of others who can not stand, he is mistaken in the purpose and in the behavior. We are not here to generate discord and conflict, but just the opposite, to find the right way in order that concord and cooperation prevail.
Those who use bad manners they must learn from the considered adversaries, peaceful and open to rational, coherent and just solutions.