Sunday, 18 August 2019


Subject to factor time is not possible to stop it. We can not escape of the conditioners that surround us where the machines allow repetitions, revisions, but us only can project only forward.
From this evidence, pretend to freeze or perpetuate situations is go counter current. Each fact, each episode is unique, by similarity that exists between certain experiences, there is always some difference, and therefore is absurd to want to remain anchored in a context that is always changing.
From children we have passed to young people from the student to the working age, it is inevitable and inescapable, and in the same manner that we accept it because it can not be otherwise we also have to get rid of it of everything that has already done its process and its specific contribution.
Why do people cling to a charge ? To a couple ? To certain material goods ? Why some countries maintain obsolete structures, that instead of progress lead to moral and economic poverty ?
Activities and hobbies of a past they stop meaning and importance when we expand perspectives. Related relations of an age they are no longer when the path of growth diverges among the members.
Tools of use maintained maybe for decades, they comer when a substitute offers better benefits.
Really those people who don´t want changes want to petrify themselves ? Life is movement, if there is not movement there is not change, and if there is not change  why do we want to perpetuate ourselves ?
Fear to the unknown, comfort, keep privileges, it indicates cowardice and poverty of spirit, because every day is new and we don´t know where it will take us.
To want to know more, act better, generate more satisfactory conditions, that´s we must yearn for. And if we are not moving forward in this direction we will go backwards. Is this what these conservatives want ?
Knowing to let go is to flow naturally. Those who commit to retain are collapsed because it goes in reverse direction, and to preserve selfish interests other things get worse by not accepting new trends, new manners they must be implanted to evolve, and so it can be done intelligently, because if it is done with idiocy we will know when the complications will begin but not when will end.