Sunday, 30 June 2019


Formalitat is that everyone desires, but assiduously is not present if the conduct don´t adjust to the canons of good manners between each other.
Formality implies the behavior, that through words and actions must find the right fit of the personal pretensions and of the interlocutors.
Each relation is different. With some there will be more afinity, with other less, and also those that will be impossible for background divergences.In any case the intent to show itself correct must prevail always, because we have to guard by the order and the harmony; otherwise it is chaos and discord what will prevail, and this always leads to losses.
Get out of us approaching to our neighbor to carry out exchanges requires consideration and respect. The treatment we want to receive is what we have to give.
Only we can offer, what we have learned, internalized, the aptitudes, and this means don´t exercise domination or abusing for what we have, because the personal goods they are only the means of individual expression to contribute to society through offers and demands that facilitate cover deficits.
To show us formal we must acquire a global maturity. Be organized in the tasks to be carried out, accomplish commitments, prepared and responsible.
Consider and respect others it means sticking to the pacts, promises, being puntual in the meetings. Repeat I´ll write to you, I´ll call, we´ll stay, and then after weeks or months everything has remained in empty words of content, it´s a saying to say to stay well that in fact is indifference and informality.
Postpone meetings repeteadly with excuses of bad payer or because they consider us secondary or expendable apart from the disinterest is an egoistic example of the posponer that is not responsible nor confronts with sincerity what don´t want to do, and avoid with evasives.
If so many things go bad, if so many relations are a disaster, is the predominance of darkness over light, of ignorance over knowledge, of inconscience over conscience. Only exchanging this order we can substitute the informality by formality  with the integral benefit that it must represent for all.

Sunday, 16 June 2019


Moment to moment forge new presents that are modeling us with the intention to achieve some purposes that for more durability that we want, always are temporary.
There are tasks they can have a long term projection, with the aim to set solid bases to build personal or social works that endows of content and meaning the efforts to our physical presence in here and now. The value that we grant to such or such thing, is the driving force, and therefore is fundamental to have motivations that push us to overcome ourselves from this constant relativity of what accompanies us.
The eagerness for subsistence is the first dinamizing resort of latent faculties. The question is : What do we do with this subsistence ? Just keep us or discover the indvividual purpose of each one ? Unable to go beyond superficiality because we are trapped in the daily vortex of occupations and limitations, or have the ability to trascend with the due instruction and yearning difficult to express in words ?
Of all the experimented in the memory remains a very small part. From today´s fact we can have the tomorrow basis, where the most of the little moments they are like water escaping in our hands.
We should ask : where do I carry what I do, what I intend to achieve, is important or dispensable ? Why is it important or why is it dispensable ? the day to day is uplifting, I learn new knowledge, expands the conscience, improves my behavior, treat better the others, do I take advantage of the experiences refining the expressions ? Or on the contrary is doing without rhyme or reason repeating the same errors indefinitely stumbling with the common defects, in the problems, tensions and conflicts is that prevails incapable of transforming it ?
How do we live every moment ? Do we increase the potential or do not get out of the crash ? At the end of the day, how many of us can say it has been profitable or beneficial ?
Covering needs and desires, beyond the physical side, does it take us to be better now than years ago ? Lenghten the earthly stay will it have served to the society and to our evolution ?
Before doing depeding to what, maybe we ask some questions.