Wednesday, 30 May 2018


In hebrew the word MELEJ means " king ", and if we change the order and write LEMEJ means " idiocy "
What do these differences express ? In the word MELEJ the letter MEM initial is associated to the head, indicating that the " king " before issuing an opinion reflect to see in perspective the situation and decide how to act with coherence, righteousness and justice.
The initial letter MEM is associated to the emotions. If someone before to think is left dragged for the emotional impact caused by some facts or words can not see the context clearly, and instead of a lucid reasoning manifest the instinctive aspect from that which is threatened.
Those who are under the influence of the letter MEM they do not pretend to win or impose themselves to the force, they want debate ideas, argue, exchange positions civilly in order to find alternatives that allow improve areas that need a transformation when it is confirmed that the current context don´t serves and keep the same not only does it take anywhere, but is degrading and worsening further the situation.
Those that are under the influence of the letter LAMED only focus on disqualifying any adversary that not say or do what they want. It´s a dreadful attitude constant of small child consented that must always do what he wants, and others exist to serve him in his whims.
While the MEM show good manners, argue, respect the differences, want pacific solutions and democratic, the LAMED devote to disqualify sistematically, making the most primary aspect appear, distorting and adapting everything to your liking in order to satisfy an insatiable desire to impose his will even suppose to step on rights and what is ahead.
The eternal struggle between civilitzation and barbarism, between wisdom and  foolishness, between knowledge and ignorance, between light and darkness, between those who want harmony and those to satisfy privileges achieved with violence, don´t hesitate to maintain the tension, the confrontation and the chaos, under the premise of miserable goals.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Whatever it is the age through the history, we have always been immersed in some kind of madness, when not in one way or another, and for more social advances over the centuries, never disappears this clumsy behavior in the form of chaos, malaise and constant controversy.
In this context of Sodoma and Gomorra where the good is bad, and the bad is good, where the righteous pass throug unjust, and the unjust for just, where the innocents go to jail and the guilty are out, where the gangsters act with impunity restored in places of power, and those who should protect us become a danger, where to contradict the master exposes to a via crucis which can turn into a nightmare, it turns out that this is seconded for thousands of people that they find it totally normal and consider these dislocations they should still be bigger.
A madness that spreads progressively without stopping, where its creators they seem totally rude fresh to increase until getting ecstasy. Universiy people that they should manifest consistency and training, and when observe what they say and do you ask yourself it they have drunk the understanding.
The silly has arrived at that level, that a common delinquent beside him is an authentic aristocrat. Once lose the sanity is how to open the gate of a swamp, and it is no longer possible to return the water back, and takes everything forward with force.
The inept is the one who commands when should be backwards. The one who has talent is rooted, and the mediocre occupy positions for which is not ready. Honest people are observed with magnifying glass, and turn a blind eye with the offenders. The good ways are under suspicion, and aggressiveness is reward.
The executioners distort the facts becoming victims, and the real victims become guilty in order that the free bar does not have a breakdown. The mighty ones act as they want, and any citizen that does not combine with their postulates better prepare us in this context of abuse and permanent defiance.