Monday, 30 April 2018


It´s funny to listen the statements of some people with a tough tone, angry, totally convinced of what they esposes as the only truth, where the rest represents that they are wrong, and they are the ones who are always right, always the best, they should never apologize, never admit errors despite multiple evidences being presented. Who do they want to convince ? They really believe what they say ? And if is so where is discernment, equanimity, the good sense ? What the rest of the world sees an outrage, they see it normal. Those who think differently should be redirected, while they have the right to all kinds of aberrant behaviors.
They disqualify those who don´t say and do what they want, because only they are convinced that theirs approaches and objectives are the valid and the only ones that count.
Disqualifying constantlly those that not belong " to yours " with arguments that are not held anywhere, in his blindness, they only cause them to disqualify themselves.
They ask every second that must be comply the law, and it turns out that they permanently violate it. They can make and undo everything they want, wherever they want and whenever they want; others can not even decide what they want or they would like to the house itself.
The absurd becomes a norm, and what should be normal it becomes utopia, where the delirium it grows steadily in more and more areas, but it´s clear, this is the more normal for they, with such to impose its will.
How can qualify someone who believes to be always right and the rest wrong ? They never have to apologize for more sawy than they commit. However, if someone says or does the slightest thing which they consider offensive they should retract immediately.
No more exhibitions, the same facts are clear that is correct and not, what is truth and what is lie, who is civilized and who does it as a madman.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018


Where is the origin of conflicts ? In the expression of clumsy forms. Words or actions that instead to resolve dilemmas enquire these, instead to seek distension increase the confrontation, instead to alleviate the sittuation is getting worse.
What is the fund that causes this type of harmful conduct ? Selfish interests. Cling instintively to satisfy personal desires proceeding despoticly where everything goes with it in order to achieve some ends, passing over moral and ethical principles, where the adversary, the one who bothers, what is an obstacle, it should, be flushed, open the blade to commit all kinds of savagery and brutality of a range of indescribable consequences while impunity is normal and do not intervene external forces to stop it.
The lack of vision in perspective of those who let themselves drag for viscerality instead of reason, with arguments and pretensions  totally unpresentable, they show the low level in what they say and do. They believe they are smart with their strategies, when in reality is the opposite, being just a matter of time that the perverse plannings they end up turning against.
Clashes are always due at least one of the parts is short, bad or has power. And the worst is that someone has the three components together, then it´s a watch bomb.
Someone who is short does not discern with clarity, don´t see the context with amplitude, many details does not know how to distinguish them, for this reason is mistaken in the approach and in the attitude.
Someone who is bad, is fixed in your self satisfaction, and from there he only make mistakes they are getting dirty until the final fail.
Someone with power, if have a distorted view ot the environment, of facts, who wants to make use of the position to impose itself on the force, and there is also a bottom of internal evil. the crisis is served.
How to get out of the dead end ? Going to the opposite terms. From short to clever. From evil to kindness. From abusive power to respect for others whatever they may be the characteristics of these.