Monday, 26 March 2018


The conscience reveals our individual existence, and this generate a longing for subsistence, and from them all the movements aim to perpetuate to the maximum the continuity. The question is : for what purpose and for what ?
The day to day breaks down like water in your hands, no matter how much we got to do the profit is insignificant ¿ What´s left of the day, of the week, of the year ? What do we remember about a year ago ? From the learnt at the school what percentage is used to apply in the day to day ? What we contribute to others in meetings and the others to us ? What we remember for each decade lived ? What benefit have we extracted ? Do we notice ostensible improvements over the years ? The defects continue to show repeating the same mistakes as always ? If so, what´s the use of time ?
Physical subsistence efforts which are diluted, while the indigence in attending the spiritual needs persists, and then we must ask ¿ why do we do what we do if it will remain in ashes ? Accumulate money, possessions, destined to lose. Materials pleasures that depends of material factors, always ephemeral, destined solely to satisfy physical desires; and meanwhile the internal void can not fill for more wealth than you have.
We must ask : ¿ Why do I what I do ? Where it takes me ? Why do I want what I want and not something else ?
Fledging experiences, resources that go and come. We would like stability, security, durability, but is not possible in the transient.
Focused on satisfying the immediate way, there is not enough perspective of which we can build for our development as being.
Immersed in the immensity, moving in small parcels and with minimum knowledge. From all this we use very little, and from this very little.
We must not confuse the tools with the goal. Study, learn, work, are intermediaries to wake up and know who we are and what we have come to do really.
The only way to live is to be connected, if not not live. If we don´t ask who I am, what I do, what else can I do, it doesn´t matter what I do and experience if in the end everything will remain in nothing. Academic knowledge, years of work, if we have not advanced in our behavior, if we have not acquired virtues, if we have not left a benefical social contribution, we will have lived more or less years, and this life it will have been in vain, leaving only smoke.

Monday, 12 March 2018


The dictionary defines antidote as a substance that is used to combat the action of an ingested poison. and that does not apply only to the physical consequences, it covers any area in order to restore an optimum functioning.
If we observe what surrounds us in everyday life, it´s a non stop of hindrances, impediments, difficulties, a lot of effort that seem useless before social obstacles of all kinds. These conditions are imposed for those who have power, where it is repeated permanently the priority to guard for personal interests to the detriment of  collective interests.
In everything that conditions freedom, the well-being, dignity, it´s essential to find antidotes to pass from a dirty society to clean society. The fight is endless, it seems impossible to leave us, because when there are not wars are dictatorships or if not other factors.; for this reason we are always in tension, inequalities and abuses, and if we are not capable to find antidote and apply them we are condemned to live the human misery on the multiple sides that this manifests.
Are we tired, helpless, defeated, resigned ? Surely yes, because the technology can change constantly, but the essential remains evidenced by primary behavior stagnant for centuries to pass.
Focused on subsistence, to accumulate transient goods, we lose sight of the goal to guard for trascendence, and blind as we are in daily battles we don´t even think about it and even less we consider it.
Everything that not work in harmony it´s because of the failure of some component, actions or approaches, having to observe what is the case to pass from the stagnant to fluidity. very easy to say and difficult to apply because we don´t advance spitirually worried only in primary interests which is the origin of all the conflicts.
What antidote can we find when most of those affected have the same behavior that the generator of the problem ?  Until don´t modify the objectives there will not be an effective antidote.