WJhat is perversion ? Perversion is do evil in consciousness, that loves evil, deviating from moral righteousness. Which is the origin ? Extreme focus on oneself and your desires without taking into account nor considering others in order to get his pretensions.
If we stick to the descriptions exposed in the Zohar, which includes the spirituals and physicals laws of the univers, in volume 13 in the section Pekudei tells us the following
Pekudei 9 - God is patient judging the perverse ones because wants a trial loving and joyful. Don´t want the trial of pollution.
When the wicked sprout like grass they will be destroyed forever. They will be taken from their roots.
Pekudei 13 - God hide the primordial light of the perverse ones, but never retires it from those who walk with righteousness.
In each act of victory over evil achieved a state of divinity. A candle needs darkness to give it value. When triumph over the dark we are strengthening to the maximum potential.
The inclination to evil, to ego, is the foundation of confusion, pain and discomfort. far from providing freedom what it does is to enslave, captive of desires, imprisoned for reactions.
Just like the side of life it strengthens when doing the good,. the inclination to evil strengthens when the wicked listen and master them.
The wicked believe they see but in reality they are blind, they think are smart but in truth they are stupid.
They can will small battles momentarily in order to satisfy the primary inclinations, and in the end are they who end being defeated and sweep by the clumsy of his wickedness.
How much baseness, how much misery can generate ignorance, the rage unleashed to get whatever unworthty purposes that violate all the principles ethics and morals.
The pervers moved by instincts, is convinced of the effectiveness of its methods, and at every step instead of fluttering it close dangerously to the abyss.
Words and actions of the miserables can not offend when disqualifying by themselves, and the desire to humble what it does is to be humiliated the pretender humiliating.
The successes obtained hurting others are counterproductive. The acquired with peaceful means is long lasting.
Who is honorable ? Who treat others respectfully.