Sunday, 25 June 2017


Why so many people are afraid of change, when this is a natural fact, where there are not two identical days ? We see it in politics, defending bravely obsolete laws, outdated, where the important is remain static, don´t touch anything, that everything keep the same as if were the ten commandments.. Society is transforming and they consider it normal, but modify decrees that instead of being at the service of the people slaves it, this is not possible.
Couples who are staying  without any growth project, with no affinity that hold the foundation of the bond, a crippled immobilism that does not drive anywhere for the sole purpose of preserving an hypothetical security or other reasons.
Poorly paid jobs resigning to take risks, because unfortunately the abuse of the strong over the weak is the generalized tonic, and the powerlessness of varying the rules of the game condemns to unfortunate conditions which are perpetuaded for fear of losing and then it still less.
If there is day and night, the seasons change ¿ where is the fear of facing new trends ? what is the meaning of preserving the old, the one that no longer works, which has become a nuisance for not having replaced it ? Live good or live bad ? move forward or stay stuck ?
The one who is not going forward increasing knowledge, potential, more enriched manners for the benefits, goes back. The fear to lose or get worse it is based on a poverty of inner spirit, where ignorance of a universal plan where everything is supervised in the milimeter to experience the precise at every moment. The progress or failure not depends on specific people. but rather a set of interactions that fit constinuosly. If at every moment we are making the right, everything will be for good, because in the end the events are to introduce improvements with respect to the precedent.However, if we don´t want to let the instated, a part from blocking the entry to other possibilities, the rotting of the useless will end up destroying what we want preserve to cape and sword getting worse to prevent flow the natural order.

Monday, 12 June 2017


Like the one in charge of a factory that have a director, in our particular life we also are a managers with a director who oversees all to produce the lace in the timely.
We live on earth driven by spiritual precepts that have the objective that everyone discovers and make the corrections that correspond in order to establish an harmonious environment. When disonances occur, notes that we don´t follow suitably the supreme guidelines, reverting to afflictions.
We must decipher the reason for the efforts, of our presence here, know how to clarify the further purpose beyond one work and social service.
Our life belongs to us in part, we are a product of a Creator that escapes the limited human understanding with the immense magnitude that represents.
The only task to be done is remove the veils that keeps us in the dark, understanding the individual function with respect to the collective. We are managers of the own life with the responsability that entails, but above all we are responsible of a heavenly project that make sense to the experiences, to relations, changes, seeing the long term purpose from a metaphysical perspective.
Everything we think, feel and do, emerges from us as a distinguishing ? Impossible to quantify, because this is always in relation to external factors. The thought and sense emerge from inside, influenced by previous episodes connected with the outside.
There is free will ? In which proportion ? A great part is preordined by multiple factors. However, decant towards favorable or unfavorable conditions depend on the consciousness level, discernment and will. Before to act we are in disposition to decant the balance, once the action take place, we are in the hands of the supreme guidelines, so we must be very cautious before mobilize certain actions.
We move in limited circles, the room for maneuver is reduced, knowledge are minimum, but the scope of the words, thoughts and actions, affects the whole.
Will honor the work we have been doing fulfilling the cosmic laws ? We are managers and we deserve credit given by the director.