Sunday, 28 May 2017


Each one of us is unique, there´s no one equal, having several tools that confirm that individually we are untransferable.
The manner of be depends on a cluster of factors, but mostly of the developmental level, which allows a broad or restrictive vision, a large capacity of discernment or scarce, a desire to improve or conformism. There are many variants like the same human complexity, as in so many things that share of basis, is about observing the behavior to find out the trends that prevail in us.
Everyone is aware of the body because is the most obvious and has constant demands, but few compared are conscious of the soul. Everyone strives to cover demands on the material aspects, but too little in contrast to cover the spiritual needs.
What inclined to decant in one way or another ? The inner voice. The voice soft and silent of the subtle side, that searchs peace, harmony and concord, or the thick voice abrupt and awkward in the forms.
What indicates that ? If out there is war, tension and conflict, is because has been generated and it finds inside.
If we want to improve the external conditions, first we must improve us in what we think, say and do for the derived consequences
The inner voice should guide towards the best attributes. If it does not, is because we give priority to personal wishes disarranged with someone or the environment, which are due to problems.
The two natures in us are constantly fighting. The lower nature searchs the selfish satisfaction regardless the influence of the commited acts. The evidence of the same manifestations indicates where we decant, either occasionally or regularly.
Many want that " the whole " work for " the parts ", but the parts, often do not want to work for the whole. And is here the origin of the dissonances, and with this blindness of approaches and targets is the result that what happens diary.
Follow the dictates of the lower nature it cost no effort, but we already see the results. Follow the higher nature is a constant work, but is who gives meaning, utility and existential purpose. Before this exhibition we must ask : which voice prevails in us ? the voice that wants move forward and transform defects in virtues ? or the voice that pushes to create a chaotic environment and permanent discomfort ?
Perhaps we stop one moment and see where we are heading.

Sunday, 14 May 2017


What wish ? Is useful ? Is benefit ? The desire is to satisfy the ego ? What is the purpose of what we want ? The desire focuses to reinforce the virtues ? How many people before act think about the desired and all can get involved ?
In an anaesthetized society, focused on the mundane and immedaite rewards, the preponderant desires are of low magnitude, often to short term. Too much lower desires that remain us in a lower stage : greed, desire for wealth, harmful pleasures. The constant contact with matter and the desire of subsistence, diverted of targets more refined unless broaden the perspective.
If the desire always turn around the same, their own self satisfaction, will cut the chances to evolve, to focus on the primary and transient. So can not access to the real purpose that is transform the negative manifestations that causing conflicts, by refined expressions leading to harmony.
Before boost some resorts, we must ask ourselves if the desired will tip the dense or subtle ? to share or receive only us ? to an ephemeral satisfaction or durable ? will create wellness in the collective or on the contrary ?
The desired not aimed to introduce more light in us, fade quickly and we can not keep.
According to the wishes and context we can see the need and the level of consciousness. The surrounding environment, the conditions and the individual peculiarities, make vary and adapt to what we want for a set of characteristics.
Desire is what I don´t have and I want, or even if I have but I want more. The background question is : For what more ? Which outlet can I give ?
There are too many harmful desires and too much little benefit, and if there is not the indispensable discernment, often ends in loss or discomfort.
The desires can liberate or enslave, the results will clarify. We must desire which make us be better, which increases the potential like a self, which generates relationships more satisfactory. What deviates from these purposes, end up being harmful and we must repair the damages.