Sunday, 27 November 2016


In one manner or another all is an investment. Not only in terms of time and money, but how to live life.
We have a narrow margin of maneuver that is influenced by developmental level, social status, knowledge and resources. This is part of our have, the question is what we do about these goods. What approach give, what purpose, on what reasons, and according to development can establish whether investments are profitable or not.
We are in an environment where information is immense, but we have a minumum storage. We can live thousands of days, but only few really take advantage. Relationships covering only tens, and very few of these are really significant and inspiring.
Environment offers the maximun possibilities, and we just take a minimum, whether by slavery time of daily obligations, for conformity, by inertia or unconsciousness.
We should ask : I´m investing well today ? Since the beginning of the day until closing, there are a number of activities to address, many routine, but we also have free time, the moment to make a difference.
Where brings me what I do ? Me like it ? Is what must I do ? My potential is expressed highly, moderately or barely ?
Immersed in covering the case file of subsistence, there´s not time to observe, reflect and make the appropiate changes for a more fulfilling life. In this way  have gone through life, but life would not happened for us, without discovering why have to come, if we did or not and if we leave being best.
We must invest in our spiritual development, this is the only thing that lasts, that is not so will be lost along the way. Material goods, money, effort to hold positions, work responsibilities, these things are only simple intermediaries in order to show the true potential of self through personal values indestructible eternal like how to love, by generous, kind, attentive, helpful, help the needy. Therefore,  we want invest in what will end up losing ?  or we want do it in what persist ?

Sunday, 13 November 2016


See clear, have it clear, is crucial to the idea and action reports the implicit profit pursued from the emerged movements, mental o physics.
The first essential factor is cultivate purity in us, because is the basis that we must express. The fire and the water are debuggers elements respect desires and feelings, essentials points,  putting up either desires or feelings.
From the start during the way until the final execution, we need to know the appropriate steps, between beginning and end the vision must be the most crisp possible, coupled with the unforeseen and external situations, which depends on the clarity.
Success or failure is a matter of precision, tune up, and to be precise and to know tune up, we must be clear  between the action to perform and the target, who requires indispensable knowledge and mastery of instruments to be used.
Between the known and the unknown, the realized and slope, is the testing ground to clarify if we are on the right way. Each new day is a blank page, having the resources already known to face the unknown that should serve to careful planning on what we get.
We must clarify continually the situation of the moment, the impressions, sensations, decrypt messages of experienced. Locate in the right place in the correct manner is a constant, and this asks capacity of clarify.
In a process in construction we see only what has been developed until the present, and in accordance to happened we can decipher what has been amend and what has been done well, and with the support of the knowledge, skills and resources, make again and again the precise movements leading to the alleged.
Clariffy what, how, when, both in the current and occasional, must broad the field of view to know the appropriate or inappropriate, the suitable or not, ensuring at all times to introduce optimal conditions reverting to benefit, correction forms and harmony.