Saturday, 27 August 2016


When more are absorbed by the ego, the possibilities to show incorrect attitudes increasing. Lock in hand to listen different criteria to obnservations that others can make, to reflections that could profit to expand opportunities, is limiting useless, because only have access to a minimum, while the ignored is immense.
A closed mind is unclean because don´t let flow, and the impurities create vulnerability, which means experiences of chaos in our life.
The unconsciousness and the delay of the consequences of what is said or done through the time, suggests to many people that can say or do what they want, driven by egotical desires that disconnect of the inner and outer harmony, and instead of generate satisfactory conditions it is rather the opposite, impoverishing spiritually giving way to adversity.
If we want resources, health and good relations, we can not do that we want anarchically. We must lock on constantly between the given and received, stocks and shortcomings, and if we do it correctly then will access optimally to precise.
When there are money problems, health, and the relations are conflicting, the situation is warning us at some point of the journey that we acted incorrectly, and therefore if we want recover whealthy conditions, we must know where we failed and correct. If this approach is so easy to understand, ¿ why so many people can not support be in evidence about previous actions ? Make a mistake is not ashamed, this is normal, because is not possible be always flawless, and only have a small domain executor. The mistake is don´t want to be warned by a cumbersome ego, making impossible the apprenticeship, a different approach and future transformation.
Not wanting to hear certain things, offend by insignificance, is a children reaction, regardless of age. Maturity is be responsible, assume the consequences of the actions, be willing to listen everyone, learning of all, and desire improve constantly, conscious of and endless journey that is done with the personal contributions and also other people.

Saturday, 13 August 2016


Are we masters or slaves ? Dominate the situation or this dominate us ? How many things do forced by necessities ? How many addictions have us subjected ? How many things would like change and we can not for not activate in us the mechanims that make it possible ?
Master is who knows and applies the theory to practice with a best result. Slave is who is dominated by the desire, that pushes to eat, drink or smoke and other questions without having control. As well as being at the mercy of conditions that would like different and for various reasons can not escape. The ignorance is also a determinant factor in adopt certain postures, product of the unconsciousness in what trigger in one form or another.
Be master requires time, to pass for many experiences to differentiate between what is appropriate or not. Is a compendium of knowledge and action perfectly linked to obtain a good result.
Everyone will be master of himself, for the advantages involved, and if there are so few is by the lack of prevailing depth due to the worldly goals of short range.
Society educates to be productive, but not to reveal the full potential. And the cosntant externalization, deprives to be in touch with our center, which enables us to understand the reasons why things happen as they pass and the impact on how we receive them.
There is little expertise when the person is involved regularly in problems, where shortcomings and setbacks prevails. When the circumstances have us trapped, we are slaves of the same.
Be master is to have self control, answer carefully in every context, be free of dependences and limiting factors.Goals that everyone should yearn, and in reality incline by the slavery tendencies, where the alleged satisfaction is an unsatisfactory illusion, the price to pay for not devote efforts to acquire expertise.
Be slave is dependence of external elements that drag to desire of make things usually unhealthy and harmful. To direct our lives we must know what we want, for what purpose and if is convenient. When we are the drivers, dominate the situation, and the process between the start and end not involve danger or damaging risk, although it can be unexpected mishaps.
Be master of ourselves is the desire to cultivate, to pass from ignorance to knowledge to establish the correct to all levels, for personal gain, for others and the environment.