Most of us are stagnated, when not in a field in other, and often in several areas. The stagnation is a bad business for us and also for our relationships and the world, because offering always imperfections is a dead end.
Our employment it has nothing to do with our true mission. The services offered to obtain resources only means, behind this is where everyone has to decipher its uniqueness and existential purpose beyond the daily work.
Immersed in the more basic to preserve the physical presence, we had disconnected from inside and the goal of our earthly stay. Limited in our capacity of maneuver, to focus in the most elementary, limit further the potential that remains to discover and develop.
We act equal for decades without introduce guidelines that provides a major quality deep inside and in the form. A lifestyle apart from subsistence leads nowhere. Stopped in time with parameters acquired in a past time, without expand horizons, always with the same points of view, repeating patterns that determine the possibility of advancing. To be closed to new ways, to try different variants.
Have done a little learning process until the youth, and don´t move from here, where the environment was being reconditioned. The fear to prove, to risk, to experiment other sensations.
Say the same repetitively, notes the lack of nourishment, have remained at a point without entering new references, a mindless wandering, unsatisfactory, sad, where only aspires to whet resignedly.
We complain, criticizing everything, ¿ but what we do to enter conditions more optimal ? ¿ What we do to correct the defects ? ¿ What we do to proceed with a best behavior ? ¿ What we do to have relations more harmonics ?
If nothing significant changes in us, in what we think, feel and do, we have remained stagnant. And unfortunately this panorama is present everywhere. But the time passes fruitless, because the opportunities don´t stop to appear to go a higher level, where the lack of consciousness, the bondage to maintenance conditions and a short overview, perpetuate inevitably in the individual and collective, remaining stagnated by the disability to break the inertia.