Sunday, 28 February 2016


Error means run an action in no correct manner. Not have made approppriate movements, not having pressed the code, the corresponding key; thus instead of accessing to desired produces a blockage.
What happens in the everyday life when explodes in conflicts of all kinds ? The words or actions have not been the best, and instead to solve or acquire the alleged, a stoppage occurs when we must insist again to undo the controversy.
When everything is right must not amend anything, but the slightest blunder forced to retreat and correct. Sometimes requires little time, and others quite. The question is : why commit errors ? By lack of knowledge, lack of attention, negligence, by excessive ambition; definitely a mismatch between subject and object.
All personal and collective problems, is by not thinking, feel or act according to each situation requires to establish an harmony. And how we know the appropriate manner ? Before mobilize desires in facts, see in perspective the possible consequences, see pros and cons, the impact on us and the environment, and with previous experience and results, decide the strategy to implement the benefit or at least not harmful.
How many people thinks the harm can cause the words or actions ? How many people before saying or do take into account the fair treatment towards those who can influence ?  How many people show respect by the nature, animals, human beings, objects ?
There are constant conflicts because the creators of them don´t know how to behave, don´t know treat with respect, with education, with consideration, and when instead of civilty prevails barbarism, only can rise tension, problems and jams.
Repeat the same positions for an intellect that not discerning with clarity,  by counterproductive feelings and clumsy actions, is remain trapped in error by a global ineptitude. And so is reflected daily, personally and in the relationships, in the disability to extend the conscience to replace outdated patterns harmfuls for those who frees us from suffering.
Break the vicious circle requires raise the evolutionary level to pass from the constant jams to the fluiidity.

Saturday, 13 February 2016


How many conversations are really inspiring ? From all is talking what percentage is useful ? What drives people to talk compulsively ? From what it says we learn,  motivates us to improve ourselves, or rather indifferent or boring ? The reality that surround us is a constant chatter useless, that does not bring knowledge by general rule neither serve for any practical application later. We transmit according our own capacity, to the personal interests, to some fixed ideas, and above a limited instruction to muddle through, focused on survival but not in transcending.
The lack of continuous nourishment without expand the perspective, repeating the same behaviors without asking how can improve, what we need change and how to access to higher levels of awareness is a limitation.
Very few people know that we have a certain number of words to pronounce in the life of everyone, and once pronounced is the final. Days go, months and years, unconscious of this existence of remaining words to the counter,  wasted time and opportunities in banalities.
Say the rules : if your words are no better than silence, it is better to say nothing.
How many people ignore this postulate ? Seems only dedicted to monks, yoguis or people with spiritual concerns.
The reality is that there is too much noise,  too much unsubstancial speeches, repetitive, in one sensation of comunication incommunicated. where neither approaches nor satisfy nor edifying.
Through words we are reflecting our potential, and the functioning of society it highlights. There is an immense communicative poverty, a great limitation in many conversations in what it says and how it says. Worried basically by mundane questions, targeted on prosaic topics with a high degree of ignorance, where everyone thinks they know a lot and can talk of everything despite not having idea.
For more resources to our disposal, this does not mean a quality in our interactions, because the quality depends of training, the type of ideals, of aims, and especially of the integrity that dowry thoughts and feelings of cleanliness in the background and form.