Saturday, 27 December 2014


The duality entails fluctuations, and the movement implies change. Nothing remains static externally, subjected to oscillating rhythms, and the task is to apply a eternal precepts in the transitory.
The archetypical patterns of behavior are unalterable to have some permanent references, and we must apply them in a context of constant variables. If everything were always statics, there would be no evolution, in the change is where lies the progress to embrace new possibilities.
To physical and spiritual level, the norm is go through different stages, where each is preparatory to the next. Once peaks in one area, we must move to new phases which lead to another forms and expressions.
Profit the time is extract precisely a profit, and so ask a mental and physical activity. From the idea to the action we go forging the day to day, where the outcome will indicate if the efforts are helpful. Increase the potential must be the goal, and if is not so, then means that there are not changes, and for this reason stagnation.
Where is the vital incentive ? In doing better the things that execute, and do it different is change rudimentary manners or little developed by other more sophisticated, consistent and more rewarding.
What sense has do it everything equal without and never change anything ? What enjoyment can experience seeing everything the same way without giving options to different alternatives to widen the consciousness and allow the acces to new variants ?
We must find balance between the valuable to retain and what is appropriate to transform. There are elements that disappear and others remain, and we must distinguish between what is useful to preserve and the expendable to give entrance to new trends with their contributions.
There is always a basis to preserve, a few foundations where support us, and later to build the own life and  environment. Though and action have to be assembled, tune up to extract the optimal performance of the different purposes, and as we seek the ideal fit, the way itself was forming changes that serving to go to higher levels. The aim of change is precisely this.

Friday, 12 December 2014


Multiples are the causes of why we can´t change. Either a lack of deep self-knowledge, without observing to fund what we say or what we do with the consequences derived. Be convinced to be correct in the various expressions and manifestations, and therefore you don´t need to modify anything. Not wanting to lose privileges or advantages, although this is often at the expense of other clutching to charges or positions for a certain benefits.
Also is the slope indulgent where we let ourselves go in vices or harmful activities, apologizing assiduously with the famous " can not be perfect " as if this was already acquit and give the approval to continue satisfying with a maleficent pleasures so finally report.
Avoid efforts, preferring the perennal mediocrity before the quality and the satisfaction of what has been achieved with tenacity.
Conform to survive rather than trying to live, with no aspirations to overcome, doing the day to day a boredom that only leads to the physical maintenance without direction or goals.
Humans with the exception of a minority, are accustomed to do what is indispensable, and once achieved, waste the time and resources in futilities. The absence of yearnings to go beyond of a constant routine limite them to a reduced plot.
The defects, impurities, the incorrect forms, repeat ad infinitum, but this seems to matter little taking into account the passivity and minimizig that is being done in the apparent deadlock. Do not consider as negative harmful acts, is the greatest impediment to transform us, maintaning inadequate patterns from childhood to old age. The perpetuation of doing everything always equal is what takes forever individual conflicts, projecting it in the collective issues that remain perennial for decades or centuries.
We are here to learn and amend everything we have to be polished. If we do not correct, is like suspending the exam continously. A lot of people doesn´t seem to bother, from here the low yield and the difficulties in establishing qualitative interactions.
The dissatisfaction prevailing in a reflection of not knowing how to change in us schemes and obstructive procedures by those who provide possibilities that generate internal and external harmony.