Sunday, 28 September 2014


We have autonomy of movements, but in a few parameters. We can access to resources, but only in measured quantities respect to the whole. We build relationships, but only with a small proportion in one way or another we have to concentrate on small plots that we can cover and within these limits we have to be nimble in achieving the optimal degree of freedom that allows us to act without hindrance.
We are influenced by multiple factors, where only a part depends on his or her own will, and it is here where we must focus the attention, so that the efforts and decisions will lead us to the most appropriate resolution.
Who else who least is in situations where the coupling with other becomes complicated. The differences of approach often make it difficult to be understood, and what could easily be resolved can be extended indefinitely.
When a crash occurs is obstructing the free flow, limiting movements that prevent establish a more satisfactory context.
Unfortunately, the essential and enough lack of understanding, is the origin of the conflict, which may be temporary or indefinite.
The lack of vision or incorrect view, develops approaches usually focused on the ego, and from here every thing imaginable or unimaginable can trigger.
Create problems of nothing is frequent when the degree of unconsciousness is notorious, and the disregard for others is rooted with force. Absurd crises occur without sense by the inability to discern with clarity, and in consequence actions entered the chaos.
The fears, immaturity, maintain unproductive links, not daring to emancipate. To break the chains of relations that perhaps reported a support or economic security, at the expense of limited power and experience other variants. A few small interests deprive them of access to situations and conditions in which we can express ourselves with more freedom and greater possibilities.
Selfishness, unconsciousness, lack of logic, a mental confusion, cowardice, are factors highly dulling for the issuer of such demonstrations and for those who are affected through contacts,hindering greatly the relations and the fund thematic.
Breaking these limitations requests go to the opposite terms : link by others, raise awareness, clarity of ideas and courage. If they ara part of us, the proportion of freedom will be directly proportional to the good use of these.

Sunday, 14 September 2014


We are always between two ways, what we know and the unknown, what has been done and what needs to be done, the past and the future, the end and the beginning, and so each day, trying to find meaning, and in this search, the desire to get welfare.
The human potential for one reason or another, is usually expressed in a very small percentage, hence the numerous conflicts, dissatisfaction and the inability to generate truly harmonic conditions.
We are here to develop us, where the task is to replace the layers of darkness that inclines us to make mistakes of all kinds, for clarity that should guide us toward the expressive correction. The various factors that accompany us, are the extent of our ability of light, because the same situation is not addressed as well as see. One can see a situation heavy, complicated, the other an opportunity to externalise the latent potential. The work is precisely this, convert the heavy in light weight, the discomfort in blessings, the foes in friends. Of course it´s not easy, but if we don´t work hard, life goes on inglorious if we don´t have a defined goal that will lead to an uplifting purpose.
The job to execute is immense, losing a lot of the time on the way in insubstantial occupations, defending positions that do not manage anything, with a low performance in general due to the lack of preparation.
We would like to be in a kind of fullness in all areas, but it is not possible by the own inability to create it, and will continue to be until we raise the level of consciousness and act according to this.
Improve, have more, but the question is how and why, because win by a side at hte expense of mortgage by another, is in fact not really a benefit. Advance in part and as a whole, is the goal, where each one according to its singularity has to find ways and means of introducing factors more satisfactory if you really want to.
In this journey between two ways, the universe puts us to test, and we may also be challenged to ensure that each new step, every experience, allows us to go up escalating level, so if is not stagnation occurs, and after the receding. because the vital rhythm pushes hard to go always forward.