Monday, 28 July 2014


Usefulness must always be present to give meaning to the efforts with a benefit at the end of the process.
Everything that surrounds us does its work, because if it were useless or pointless, no longer be. From the most obvious to the most insignificant has a purpose an also an incidence.
The diversity of the universe is creativity. The constant spillages of nature is productivity, the result of the multiple contributions between the different kingdoms is utility.
In the world of action we have a need to cover, and to acquire them we have to offer services as  medium of exchange. This involves producing, and in the productivity we need to get the utility who is the audience for the product and what is gained as a consideration.
Create, produce, usefulness is like a string. The idea is passed to the movement to densify it in something tangible, and once completed must be applicated, because it is the aim of both the idea and its development.
Idealism is the starting point, the practicism the end of the journey, as if it is not the utility can not be present and this goes against the natural order.
We have to be useful for ourselves and in the social contribution, therefore the productivity must be coupled resources and knowledge to reverse in a global benefit for the supply and demand are being nurtured in the particular and in the collective.
Creativity is a product of a known part and unknown, and hence to shape specific ideas. Then there are the productivity that is a reproduction of previous molds. Whatever it is we have to generate new situations and conditions that we project toward a context of greater progress and potential directors. Engage creativity, productivity and usefulness is the goal to pursue in the approaches and daily executions.

Friday, 18 July 2014


Who seeks to achieve the best can not be indulgent. Lower the requirement reduces the potential, getting some result, but not the excellence.
Most strive by obligation in order to gain some reward, without injecting in the depths of themselves the deisre to be more, aspire to a better version. Study and work are the tools to perform specific actions and gain an advantage, and in these actions is where we have to be non conformist to the efforts we intend as high as possible.
Be indulgent is the result of erroneous vision, therefore give in to laziness, let pass mistakes, choose the harmful instead the beneficial, runs against the relevant conditions.
The firmness is evident with facts, needing the support of a broad discernment, agile and extensive for the movements that bring harmony and the execution of a task well done.
Firm and at the same time adaptable, have clear objectives, attentive to the improvisations, and unforeseen events that may alter the provisions to adjust the circumstances, without losing the horizon that drives us.
The indulgence justified has been to apply in specific cases where there are gaps, emergences, situations that the person does not have full mental or physical faculties, in a position of inferiority. Learn balance practicism with mercy to generate what is appropriate in each case and each time.
If we want quality we have to be exacting, and if we are with other, first we must apply it in our own skin, otherwise will have no moral force nor will be credible.
The firmness is to maintain and create new options, an applied self esteem in all areas that have to do with us. Cultivate determination reinforcing mentally to ensure that actions approached we want to achieve.
You get nothing without effort, and if anything comes without effort also fades quickly in the world of action where we are, wheter we like it or not. We need to be dynamic, knowing what to do, and the mobilized going in our behalf for the good of all; for this reason is so important to forge the firmness, for the consequences of now and tomorrow.
And in the same measure shall apply respect to other, know how to decant in the requirement or in the condescesion.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


The day give us time, and the distribution of this builds roads in various areas. The pursuit of objectives contains a base acquired in the past, that serves as a reference and resource, and a speculative part that we don´t know what results will contribute to the staging and the outcome.
What we do with the time ? Filled it with purposes strictly materials, or we think devote a portion to the development of self ? The investments are designed for temporary benefits or to be enduring ?
In the investments we need to put knowledge, know how ho act, the reason and purpose. In many cases there will be precise talent looking for money, as well as money in the form of intermediary for transactions.
Before mobilizing the relevant, we must clarify if the focus is only to satisfy their own desires. or in driving individual improvement.
We always intend profit, but this requires the insertion of different factors. Will be harmful investments and also beneficial. Investments destined to gain and others to lose. What is going to make it possible to expand, which behave harmony, are investments to perform. What offer an increase in assets with a cost of harmfulness in return, it is desirable to avoid.
The investment that endangers the integrity, health, relationships or freedom, goes against the same investor principle that is to achieve an advantage.
Most investments are in the short term, and the planned on year, we don´t know if at the end will provide what we want or thought achieve.
Live is invest in us through constant exchanges. If the benefits are useful, the investment will be profitable. If losses prevails, we are going to less. The experiences may seem negative at times by what occurs, but if it serves to introduce better ways and expectations more favorable, the investment should have been good.
When approaches are honest, proceed with seriousness, considering the influence in third persons and move for noble goals, investments are always beneficial.