Sunday, 29 July 2012


We live in a paradoxical world of sophistication and vulgarity because of the human extremism, capable of great works and great attrocities. Find the justifiable explanation becomes difficult when the apparent logic is not seen in any part.
As rational beings we are given the thought to operate in the environment, how to organize ourselves by providing resources and proceed to multiple exchanges for the maintenance and development.
If everyone from the more agile to the shortest understands the basic processes, how is possible deviate from coherent behavior to turn it on insane ?
Anyone can understand that the power is in hands of inept and scoundrels, supported by a large part of the population ?
Anyone can understand that after several lessons : see political, relationships, attitudes, back again to affect the same without having learned from experience ?
Anyone can understand that in the face of the need of compelling changes there are people who prefer to remain in the chaos before putting order ?
Anyone can understand with the current information and disclosure that continue to be maintained harmful habits in health ?
Anyone can understand how living conditions unworthy, where it is clear that will continue, by fear, or others, not take risk in dealing with new directions ?
Politicians should serve the people, and instead of this they serve the clan. The society that surround us has many defects, but are we who have consented. There are reasons of leftovers for revolt, but this has no solution with the same parameters of always. Neither the power nor the people will come out of this situation while the hierarchy submit to citizens.
There has to be a director and some performers, like an orchestra, but we have to fine tune the instruments knowing that parts touched and go all synchronized. Otherwise instead of sublime pieces, the tune sounds together produce cacophony, that is what now accompanies us.
Currently we have directors of orchestra who have not studied music, and in spite of their ignorance they are convinced of being virtuous with the baton, and the results are clear to see.
There is no logic to the atrocities, but nothing is left to chance, there is always a foundation that is the origin. And from the view strictly superficial and worldly, we don´t understand many of the things that happens to us, what we say, what we do. Everything from the most insignificant to the most obvious, is due to a purpose, it is important to know decrypting it, learn from the events and set the appropiate patterns to level up in the capacity of understanding and action to perform below.
If you don´t broadening horizons, it will not possible to change what already exists, and when there is no progress is pushed backwards, and the individual and collective expectations are appropiate to each moment for energize us and not to be satisfied with the legacy of the past.
Now and always we had test dealing them, overcoming and transforming them, is what at the end of the journey will give us the uderstanding of why we should live them.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


In many ways as other polarities, also there are two ways to behave : correct or incorrect.
The correction is what has to prevail in accordance with provisions of civility. In any area is always going to the search of neatness, because if we don´t act according to the parameters considered correct, we are exposed to negative consequences.
All you know, more or less conscious, are subject to standards of conduct. The question is : because if it is in the public domain why people act with negligence in many fields ?
The impropriety can be expressed in wide variety, in words or deeds, but that " apparent satisfaction momentary " of the aggressor in one form or another has just in vacuum losses and other more according to the context.
There is someone who thinks is important by the fact of having something explicit, treating bad to other people if thinks that they are less. And precisely, according to how we show we can see if there is class or is lacking in it..
The correction is to take care of the details, from the smallest to the largest. Thought is the origin, the seed, and needs to be fed properly to ensure the ideas are projected with clarity and harmony.
If the seeds contain intelligence, consideration and respect, the result will be positive. On the other hand, if the capacity for discernment is wrong since the beginning, thinking only in the own desires, with a shocked expression, sooner or later the actions will lead in problems.
The neat forms are allies, gross are enemies. The correct is what has been to cultivate if we want a good fluidity and operation where we let.
Who acts with education, is friendly, attentive, generates a suitable environment for the exchange. If is on the other hand, lack the above said, the warmth will be impossible by the lack of the most elemental civic.
We learn from the people what to do and what not. Some teach to enhance certain forms, and the other to avoid them by their harmfulness. Both serve to growth, some of the things we have to increase, and others in what we need to eliminate.
Who is sloppy, driven by malice and ignorance, can get some revenue momentarily, but good manners have just been imposed by the logic and the forcefulness.
If we want our things going in the right direction, we need to know which patterns we have to root for give the optimal expression. The expressed with its incidence, clarify if we are tuned or not, contrasting with evidences. We must be able in our movements in order to be more accurate reporting more advantageous results.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


The most important thing is to achieve harmony, because it has to be present at all, is the base where rely to project ourselves into any purpose. And when it breaks or disappears, mobilize the appropriate in each case to reestablish it.
By the contrast between different units we have to fit the various parts in the precise location to make your contribution, and this calls for knowledge. There can be no harmony if you don´t know how to proceed.
Through links one thing leads to another, establishing the order, thanks to the prior learning, which underlies the proper functioning. In the absence of a certain domain, is likely to prevent any loss, disruption and difficulties.
The first step is to know ourselves. We can only act from our individuation, and is of primary importance know what we think, that we intend to do, that needs to be done and if we are well on the way.
We must strive to find out our skills and deficits, since we are assuming here to run the works, serving the awareness to reinforce the abilities seeking alleviate what was pending to improve.
Continually we have to influence on the movements in order to cultivate virtues for our benefit and that of society, because the defects cause problems, forcing pause to resolve them.
It´s convenient to have goals of overcoming by maintaining a continuous motivation that gives value and content the efforts, achieving the material goods needed to operate in the middle with a broad autonomy, moving in a changing unstable environment guided by eternal concepts that will preserve the strength and firmness, and poise where those immersed in the mundane weaken in the face of adversity.
The comprehensive training beyond labor, is the key factor to tame the ego, handing over the separative part, generator of conflict, for the purpose of dealing with the challenges from an integrative perspective.
The respective singularities, with the multiple contributions, have to create links to a common benefit. We are all within a vast field of connections, and as a circuit, the various components are linked to a greater purpose.
We live with the individual within the whole. One is because of the other, if the individual fails the whole suffer, and if the collective fails the individual is affected in some way.
We have freedom, free will, but before execute any action with their subsequent consequences, we have to bear in mind the constraints and limitations, demanding wisdom and courage in order the harmony prevails at all times whatever we do, wherever we are.