Can two antagonistic positions tune in at the same time ? Discovering the background that the explanation indicates will clarifiy it for us. We are made up of two natures : the lower one who looks by his own interests and complain about the smallest losses and obstacles in the way. And the higher nature focused on the global vision that proceeds towards overall harmony. Sadness, afflictions, are personal assessments of what is desired and not established. Instead of lamenting, the sensations of certain experiences are for reflection and broadening consciousness. What is seen as evil are hidden goods to be discovered behind hidden veils. If we focus our attention on the surroundings from a superficial perspective, the criteria will respond to the ability to understand. The dissatisfaction with the environment, and certain circumstances, is the opportunity to increase the understanding uncovering the invisible behind the facts. Nothing is casual, the absurd in appearance has a reason.We only capture fraction and make judgments without seeing the whole picture. Relations are designed for an specific experiences. Discover what and why is our chaellenge. We act as intermediaries, learning and teaching, and we must take advantage of to advance the constant development of what we manifest. The suffering is focus on the effect, but if we see the cause and the ulterior motive, the unpleasantness at the beginning must be turned into joy. Do we want joy or suffering ? Broadness of vision or narrow ? Understand what we do and want in ourselves and the proism must progresively dissolve the feeling of suffering from old experiences, noting that the purpose was to take us to new contexts approppiate at each moment.
This blog is not intended to emulate the great classical thinkers, only a few exhibitions that can reach all kind of people.
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
THREATS TO THE MIND, HEART AND WILL ( rust, worms, thieves )
We must always be attentive and want to proceed with correction in every moment in any context, otherwise we will be subject to losses and damages if we haven´t been careful. he thieves can influence in the mental aspect. Acts assiduously when is dark and can´t see them, symbolize the dangers that threaten the mind when he lost the light. Doubts, anxiety can appear. To defend ourselves from thieves we must connect to the light and so we can identify them and prevent. If we are only focused in the most fundamental, the brain feeds only in the lower, and the understanding always be limited if we don´t nourish ourselves with light. Worms attack the vegetables. The animal kingdom coresponds to the astral plane, the heart, and the worms are impure feelings like jealousy, selfishness, contempt, aversion, revenge, that consume the human heart preventing it from producing healthy fruits. Only by introducing spiritual attributes that they are eternal, intangible values, we can defeat the worms attached to the heart. Jesus said in the gospels " store up treasures in heaven, where the worms and the rust they don´t consume them, where the thieves can not steal " The will in charge of dynamizing what is thought, felt and desired if is not strong appears the rust. What does all this teach us ? If we want health, resources, welfare, we can´t fall asleep. We must see clear how to energize the claims in order to achieve good results. To be on the lookout for what emerges internally, and with discernment fit our individual incidence in the right way.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Physically we are in a way on the inside and another on the outside. To be equal inside and out is to continuously harmonize ideas and action, from abstraction to concreteness. Executions happen in the middle and require solid tools for densification of what is initially a project. We do for have and having must be focused on being. When the inside and outside works together favorable result be possible. What we want is what we have to offer. If we want peace we can not do war. If we want love we can not be agressive. Between the desired and that we have if many actions drive to tension and conflicts is the exponent of a mismatch between thought, emotions and action taken. The attention focuses on the external. Wordliness exerts an attraction which keeps us constantly on the periphery disconnected from our center, and how the transient and alien to us can not fill us with what we really need, the internal void only can be satiated with selfless goals and serve others. To be the same inside and out, is balancing internal and external goals and demands. We want too much outside and too little inside, Driven by basic needs that limit, the search for subsistence take us away from trascendence that connects us with our most authentic essence in order to achieve the purpose of life. The plot takes place in the dense, but the impulse must emerge from the subtle. Will be equals inside and outside when material fulfillment is as important as the yearning for spiritual development.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Lynching and punishment are usual socially. These people that wants exemplarity do they have tangible evidence to argue coherently ? do they seek justice or satisfy personal desires driven by instinct ? Everyone thinks as if you have the ultimate truth, when the reality is that only tend to be donkey brays that reflects the subject because something don´t like and this brings out viscerality instead of reasoning. Unfortunately it is the sad prevailing level, where the words oral or written shows to the interlocutor for what he says and the content of the words. A lot of noise and dirty with no profitable results. Wisdom and mercy are the opposite of lynching and punishment. They don´t try to get away with it, only find right ways that brings solutions if they are some conflict. Lynching and punishment wants hardness, to be relentless, no ways to rectify violations if is the case. Driven by instinctive emotions and a narrow vision thing only in their own benefit, aggressive primary forms never provide definitive resolutions, only temporary patches. Wisdom and mercy seek harmony, observing the parts and the whole guided by the balance between thought and feeling in order to be equanimous in the diagnosis. Too much lynching and punishment only bring a polluted environment for both parts. Where we are evolutonarily is the reflect. The desire is to find the words and manner to manifest in the best way possible.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
We can be in three different points. Stagnating, going backwrds or moving forward. Hoy many between us know how to observe and differentiate where it is located ? In some points who more who less is stagnating, essentially by the diary routine and the minimjum room for maneuver focusing on the most immediate and basic. Advance requires effort, perseverance and to provide oneself with resources, depending of the medium of action and the possibilities that this can offer. Going backwards is worsen the conditions compared the previous one. Both on a personal and social level we experience all three states at some point. The movement modify the established, and the actions with their result they will be placing us. In the collective sphere, tools for everyday and work use give us many benefits unknown years ago. Instead, there has been deterioration on several fronts. We have advanced and regressed also, and the imbalance is the realitzation of how we are. If the impulse is motivaded by selfish,self interested desires, the approaches will not be appropiate and there will be tensions. We must align what we think with what we feel and want so that action lead to the personal and social harmony. Only this progress will be possible in the parts and globally, otherwise we will either remain stagnant or go backwards. Many of us we may be making progress in some areas and at the same time going backwards in others and also stagnate in some. The review of what we do and the consequences must be constant, because one time triggers manifest, is complicated stop the gale. Where are now is the reflect of the effected. If we want changes and improvements it will be necessary to implement different methods and patience to see results.
Saturday, 14 December 2024
There are two types of past : What has left and what remains. Gone are the experiences, relationships, situations, efforts of an era, the contribution derived from these remains in part, sometimes small and other times more noticieable. Immersed between the transitory and the eternal, the days follow each other unalterably, in a constant tonic of activities that are repeated for an order and the distribution of resources. Each day is different, unique, for more similarities with the previous ones. Events take place in a stable backgrounsd. but the execution is different. We rely on a specific scenario where the action leads to fluctuations, who are in charge of offering us new possibilities and expansions according to the done and the environment. Of all experiences we keep minimal memories. The important is the essence extracted to broaden horizons and improve. There are pleasant moments that persist in the form of images. There are good moments that persist and others if in the inner are bad memories that can affect the present if the emotions are not digested. What do we want to preserve and what is indifferent to us ? The useful must be preserved, that which resist the passage of time. The memory is essential to learn, it tells us how to proceed and how to adapt to the circumstances. Without memory we must start from zero every day, making progress imposible where all efforts would be due, because there would no foundation left to take root and project us. The past is the referent of memory to build day by day, and in this constant between the unstable and estable, between the change and the permanent, external factors they are responsible for leaving or mantaining depending on what, and so with the own decisions about it in this sense. We can not remain attached to nothing in particular, the more solid today can disappear tomorrow. Letting go of what can not be held back is healthy, focusing on the present that is where the life force keeps us located. The important is to know take advantage of whas has faded that last for a profit in the area where we set values and some kind of purpose.
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
The more it is purified and perfected, the more he/she captures and understand the light of this intelligence The intelligence it is consequence of the state of the cells, making sure to keep them in physical and mental balance, the opposite will be closed to the greatest revelations. Only improving the way of life we can improve intelligence, and therefore all those with transcendent concerns have always worked in this sense. What does it mean to purify ? To pass from a murky context where there is some kind of dirt derived from thoughts or feelings expressed in disonant actions between us and others causing discord and bad feelings. To perfect is to refine, to improve what we do to give it the most optimal expression for the most optimal result. The state of the cells is the indicator of the lifestyle, of what is stored internally and shown externally by the conception we have of things leading to a type of attitude. To improve the way of life is to broaden the vision in perspective by seeing the links of what is involved in the situations, both personal and social, facilitating the adoption of a more suitable posture flowing with the circumstances instead of being dragged by them and the possible consequences. Strictly basic knowledge or professional training is used to operate on a daily basis in order to be nourished in the essentials. If we want to find meaning and profit beyond the purely existential, we must deeply forge this restlessness in the deepest part of us, awakening the way and the means that facilitate the connection between the visible and the invisible, the tangible and the intangible, where it is necessary to go beyond the physical senses and the understanding of words that allow us to discover the breadth and riches of an accessible immensity gradually unattainable to the prevailing goals nd purposes of the majority.
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
We don´t know what is the purpose of the tests to which we are all subjected. Why we have difficult relationships ? Why some have great facilities and others many difficulties ? Why are there subjects that are easy for us and some seem impossible ? Mysteries that we would all like to unravel, but just like life and its elevated meaning more than purely subsisting escapes us. From the primary reaction that so abundantly abounds when someone hurts us, punishes us or we feel harmed, most get angry and want to respond with revenge. Evil does not fix evil. If we experienced certain experiences it is not accidental, is the individual supervision where through some people and situations they give us the opportunity to reflect, observe, and realize what the message is to be able to proceed with greater correction. If we are able to establish the common sense instead of anger, and we link interventors, the process and where it lead us, we will understand the meaning and the reason. Everything is perfect, it is revealed to those who already have a developed consciousness and see the event with a perspective beyond the apparent and superficial. Knows that nothing happens at random, and that is necessary go through a variety of sensations, pleasant and unpleasant, always with the purpose of broadening horizons to proceed with more efficiency and executive possibilities. What we experience has been designed especially for us. Paying debts. What we feel as discomfort in tense contexts, strandings, deteriorations, losses, if we are living it is for a reason. We don´t have consciousness about our remot past, and we can not give answers in accordance to the five senses. The invisible affects the visible, in the same way that the internal does it with the external. Instead of living, thinking and acting from instinctive ways with sterile aggressive responses, if we look with perspective and discover why, we will establish the certainty that all events have one sense and purpose that we will see more clearly when the right time arrives watching the invisible plot in tangible facts. The tests, the people who irritate us, they are means, intermediaries to push us to become successive improved versions in our demonstrations.
Friday, 25 October 2024
A seed is required, a right place, and that this seed or basis contain assets to be developed bearing a fruit when the time is right. This show that the quality it depends on the substance with an internalized value and give the relevant treatment in order to achieve a benefit. We must make this extensive on all fronts. At the level of thought, give us breadth and equanimity. In the emotional aspect observe with detachment so that pretensions an attitude are not harmful. And the actions must drive to the utility, because the useless is not the goal. Depending on the ideas and the expressed will approach or move away from the quality. Criticism is good if improves the person or the context. If it does not do it in either of the two is sterile and negatives the environment. The conversations must be attractive. give them substance, because just chatting to get nowhere is boring. There is too much repetitiveness, a generalized stuckness product of the lifestyle and not expansion of the potential, and so will be difficult obtain quality. We must heed the beginning of " If your words are not better than my silence it is better to be silent " We can be involved in affective relationships but not dependent. Show us close and also detached. We must not be at the disposal of what others say or do according to our wishes. We will get quality with a mature attitude of knowing how to be there for someone if they need us without getting catch. Find at all times the optimal measures between internal and external, the personal and the collective, attentive to what surround us, acting with care considering the proism, so we will be able to achieve the balance and quality derived from the process.
Friday, 11 October 2024
Everyone wants quality, and this implies that there are some utensilis, some ingredients with some peculiarities and contributions that must know how to combine to extract a purpose from it, and it must bring profit and well being. The purest, resistant, durable, are synonyms of quality, presents in all areas, therefore we must differentiate between what is optimal and what is not. If we have qualitative elements we have to know how to deal with them, how to apply them to achieve the best performance in their use. Voluntarily or forcibly we share, and the temperament, sensitivity and the type of bond, will incline us to show ourselves in a specific way according to the case. Most associate quality with material factors, and they are undoubtedly valuable. Howewer, true quality emerges from the inside in the form of virtues evidenced in behavior. Show kindness, affection, equanimity, spirit of service, rectitude, and search of individual and social harmony, are factors that generate quality. What do we share ? What we are willing to share ? We can do it through words, goods, and actions. The current present is a product of past interactions. What we have we received it through exchanges. What we have learned has been through transmissions that have provided bases for subsequent increases. What we share they are inheritances from others derived from knowledge or resources, with successive links for new continuities. Where does the quality of sharing lie ? In what it shows, in the sensations it leaves. Quality are optimal benefits, in what is said, is done and what is left. Why is it so hard to have quality relationships ? because selfish interests prevail and there is no true longing to know characteristics of the other for a satisfactory fit. There is not quality because we have not internalized it in ourselves due to the superficial lifestyle self centered on low profile desires compared to what we can get with spiritual development. If there is not enough quality inside it will be reflected outside. Quality depends on the raw and/or external material and the outcome with the result.